Patch 21.4.4 brings includes bug fixes and Battlegrounds updates.
Seems like bagged tasks for mercenaries won’t be fixed. Example i know is Grommash task 12.
I have never once played Omega Buster or have seen played and Holy Mecherel maybe seen it played two times.
How about a fix so the Merc cards in our hand go in the order we list them when creating the team?
Was the king Mukla quest fixed?
Won’t you nerf Druid??
Razormane and Composting are broken.
I really hope this addresses mercs crashing to desktop several times a day. Also please look into Tamsin not getting her demon summon in pvp!!
golden refresher is 2 times at 1 less or 1 time at 0?
Cant tell if you’re taking the piss. It’s the best build in the game.
It was clear sarcasm about build everybody is forcing.
nothing about Chromebook users finally getting to play Mercenaries
Nothing addressing the dozens of problems with the game itself.
How about fixing Grommash Task 12 and Scabbs Task 14 ? , both of them arent working.
Also i don’t see anyone else play them dead serious here. I have seen them less than 5 times in play combined.
Seems like a measure to reduce the effectiveness of bots. I’m down with making botting less profitable, personally.
Update for the iPad mini 6th generation? Still has the black borders…
Mutanus Task 9 doesn’t record Devouring Attack kills a majority of the time either
I want new BGs content :’ )
No new Merc themed content for BGs feels weird.
Let the intern in charge of wild balance know we need more quests banned -thanks
ignore the above post we dont need that