U must not play battlegrounds much because both are in 1 of the 5 or so top builds.
Tirion fordring task 3 has wrong ability name “holy shield”.
Wow, such amazing improvements to Mercs. Ya’ll fixed a minor bug w/ a task being mislabeled that takes no effort to figure out how to still complete it. I’m impressed. Now, why don’t y’all fix the tasks that are actually impossible.
Probably 1 time at 0. Seems like a targeted nerf at Millhouse
Yeah a few fix for mercenaries would be nice, granted it is pretty early. I would like it if you fixed all misspelling not counting quests etc that happens to me for at least 3 heroes (Cairne, Varian, Geddon).
Guldan’s german ability name is bugged in task2 or 3 aswell btw.
Had no issues with mercenaries on chromebook this morning, came home from work to an update & now it keeps telling me i have a newer version & to wait to update. Lame as i play across multiple devices & the chromebook is my lazy laying in bed device
They didn’t advertise it in the notes but this was to stop people grinding stranger, now you need to buy packs as intended to advance heroes unless you want to be at it for months
If there’s any changes in Air Elemental map, for example, the Mysterious Visitor is cancelled on that map, shouldn’t we get informed, instead of us just thinking unlucky and wasted time for like 50 runs trying to search for it?
There’s a definite nose-dive in rates for how often stranger shows up now. I guess they don’t want people actually doing the tasks unless it takes months.
I played like 50 heroic bosses today for quest and didn’t even get a single quest in mercenary. Is it a bug or my dumb luck ?
Isn’t that exactly the reason why it should be 2 times for one less? Otherwise Millhouse is actually the only one that would profit from making this golden and the card would be worse for everybody else.
Update: quest 9 for king mukla seems to be fixed, but i’m not sure that the discription of it is correct (Russian)
Квест 9 на короля Муклу пофикшен, получилось пройти, но не уверен, что у него корректное описание на русском языке. По квесту нужно восстановить здоровье банановым безумием, а оно не восстанавливает здоровье, а добавляет.
mINAXAKA, try on stronger bosses