21.4 Patch Notes

21.4 Patch Notes

Hearthstone Mercenaries launches tomorrow, with Patch 21.4!

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Ok, cool. When exactly does the patch launch?


It’s a good thing you guys changed the name of that 3/3 from the beast, it’s referencing was hurting my feelings.


no junten las misiones, es molesto que me obliguen a jugar campos de batalla, gresca, duelos, etc cuando hay gente que solo juega ladder, cada modo de juego deberĂ­a tener su propias recompensas

Mage Questline nerf when?


As has become popular with Mercenaries, the trailer is a lot worse and unclear that what other people make xD.

Other than that, cheers.

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Dear Blizzard team! At this evening I was so surprised when I opened news and saw new info about new patch 21.4! I really want to play Mercenaries and enjoy the new mechanic! Also I was so lucky when I saw new heroes skins of Jaina, Thrall, Rexxar and Anduin! They look so fabulously! Bartender Medivh and seven battleground heroes also look primely! From all my heart I wish a good luck and many new ideas for Blizzard team!


Hun, honestly interesting, was expecting some nerfs tho, well, let’s hope for the besy


Soooo excited for new single player content after all this time :). I’m not very interested in the pvp portion of it but I expect to spend a lot of time playing mercenaries.

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So, Blizzard still thinks that Solitaire Mage that win on turn 7 is balance… or solitaire garotte rogue on turn 7 is okay?


I am not surprised. I am used to that.


So, Blizzard still thinks that Solitaire Mage that win on turn 7 is balance… or solitaire garotte rogue on turn 7 is okay?

I don’t find Rogue nearly as big of a problem as Questline Mage. If you’re aggro you can outpace them or run a Rustrot to take out their weapon. Control Warrior especially has an easy time dealing with them. For mage though, you have to kill them before they finish their quest on turn 6 and hope they don’t draw their freezes.


I don’t like them putting AI bots in the PvP part of Mercenaries at launch. If I play PvP, I’d like to be playing against an actual person. They also seem to be bragging about their new matchmaking and rating system without really explaining it. It’s almost like Blizzard wants us to not trust them.


RIP Finkle Einhorn! Sometimes PC goes too far, but with recently atrocities, sometimes too far isn’t far enough.

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So what about the mage quest line???


I have more fun vacuuming then reading the new patches…
blizzard is paying the twitch players to keep their company alive for cereal diablo 2 remake why not 3…
what a bust sexual assault company…

What the hell is wrong with Finkle Einhorn…? Clearly I’m missing something…

EDIT: NVM, clearly I was too young to get that reference… Just saw the scene it’s referenced from. It’s pretty messed up, but who was complaining about the reference…? O.o

the patch launches tomorrow!

I imagine, by proxy, the state of California. :wink:
Blizzard’s doing a bit of a shake-up, removing/renaming less savoury characters.

For others curious; Finkle/Einhorn was the antagonist of the first Ace Ventura: Pet Detective movie. While humorous for its time, today, Ace’s reaction is a little transphobic.

i like your name, it reminds me of something

all these moths of delays and you cant do any quests in mercenaries, also the game mode still looks like garbage, i dont know what you guys expected but this is not good