65 Damage Turn 4

The Concierge nerf really does nothing. The problem is Chalice and the problem will continue to be Chalice. There is nothing my opponent could have done. They had 5 minions on board and they all died as well as him.

Turn 1 - Magical Dollhouse
Turn 2 - Activate Magical Dollhouse for Bottomless Toy Chest into Seabreeze Chalice
Turn 3 - Magical Dollhouse Cast 1 Seabreeze Chalice
Turn 4 - Draw other Chalice, Concierge, Go With the Flow, Activate both Magical Dollhouses. Coin Pupil for Chalice. 65 damage from hand. Even without drawing the second Chalice the 45 was enough to wipe the board and finish off my opponent.

I get that this is a high roll. But, most games are over by turn 6. I can’t imagine this can just keep going. The only hope in stopping this is having to main deck Cult Neophyte and Speaker Stomper. Then you pray you see them multiple turns in a row or else you just delayed the combo 1 turn. I can’t imagine this is much fun to play against.


one more nerf bro, trust me…

They nerfed the wrong thing. Turn 4 was the soonest the deck could OTK pre Concierge nerf. The earliest kill turn did not move lol. It is very weird that the devs are able to identify a deck is a problem but then just can’t seem to hit the relevant cards.

Or if I am being frank, some cards just should not exist as their very existence is a problem.


Yeah I noticed today too they were OTKing like the shamans at the launch of Whizbang’s. They played some rubbish filler cards to save some time for a few rounds, then OTK like clockwork.

i havent seen that much damage on turn 4 but thats probably because i run custom enforcer

I have done it once. I have a few turn 5 kills. 6-7 is the most common kill turn.


The Conceirge “nerf” was frustrating.

It was kind of dumb that they nerfed chia drake harder than the OTK.

“Oh no! My infinite free cards now costs 4!”

Concierge needs an effect nerf. Druids will still be capable of spell spam in the late game even if that card didn’t exist.


On the flip side, the times I have full health and put 50+ HP of minions on the board and the druid tries really, really, really hard to OTK but ends up short is comedy gold.

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What deck is putting out that many stats by turn 6? Let alone turns 4-5.

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Handbuff paladin is really the only thing that I’ve played that can sometimes just have overwhelming stats by the time the druid tries to pop off.

Landing a few habdbuffs into a twinned Zilliax has saved me from more than a few concierge combo turns on 6.

Really not much else has a chance there though.

Oh, and warrior, because I now run training dummy and when it dies sometimes the 8 damage of pings kills the concierge.

The Chalice SHOULD’ve been hit, but naturally they didn’t

Chalice shouldn’t have been nerfed. It would just make the card unplayable, and mage already struggles to find a good use for it.

Druid abusing a mage card shouldn’t get the mage card hit.

They just need to make concierge read “your first…” Like they did to the mage minion in the same set.

Reducing one chalice to zero is fine. Reducing all of them to zero is not.


Then that is on them for not making mage good enough. They could make Concierge 6 mana and it would not stop the combo. Making everyone suffer an easy combo because mage shouldn’t get hit too is a bad argument. The other option is they remove it from being a tourist card.

Forget Druid, Amulet Rogue is the new OTK beast

You do understand that the class hurt by the concierge nerf was Mage???
It only made an sub par tourist deck even worse.

So the Concierge nerf did do something just not in Druid.

I for one am happy the Druid escapes nerfs on the type of deck that wouldnt last a week in Mage.
Its the only way to play the new Mage cards , any Mage player should just move on to play Druid ,AKA Mage 2.0.

OnlySpell and Sif are still viable decks. So is big spell mage. And again, allowing a combo deck to pop off on turn 4 so that mage can be better is not a good argument. There are 2 solutions. Increase Chalice, or remove Chalice from the pool of tourists cards druid can use. I am honestly fine with removing it. Druid already has a couple strong decks.

And why should i settle for scraps(or any other player that enjoys Mage) wasting my time with mid 40% or low 40% win rate decks when i can just play the superior higher tier version that avoids card killing nerfs ???

No thanks, i will just keep playing Druid, the devs have spoken this is alright in Druid and i love combo decks.

Ok, so you just want brainless combo decks to exist. Just say that from the start rather than whining about it being unfair to mage. I can at least respect the honesty lol.

Unfair oh no lad, i made no such claim.
If anything im basking in the hypocrisy you have no idea how glad i am to be proven right.

The fact that Mage needs to burn for it is sad but a necessary evil.

This couldnt have ended better for me.

Do you have very limited reading comprehension? I said an easy nerf is taking Chalice out of the tourist pool. That doesn’t effect mage in any way. What hypocrisy? I honestly do not get how people can just completely miss entire points.