The 20.2 patch brings Quilboar to Battlegrounds as the next minion type!
You gonna fix the issue on mobile where consumers can double tap to buy multiple packs with gold but cannot then, enter any amount?
Does Xyrella’s hero power buy the minion or copy it? The latter would be super broken.
i dont understand how the new skins are earned. something about tracking reward tracks across multiple expansions but thats kinda vague do we have any more info on that stuff?
I think it’s the actual card.
Otherwise the wording would be “[…] to add a copy to your hand”, right?
And yes it would be super strong, if it would add a copy to your hand. Instantly getting 2 copies of Brann or Lightfang for instance sounds pretty busted to me.
still no fix for Zerek in Boomsday adventure?
Some cool mechanics possible with Vol’jin but the other two new heroes are a bit uninspired.
Quilboar seems like an interesting tribe and will be fun to see some APM plays with nonstop gem earning setups but otherwise this feels like a letdown to my hopes of a refreshed content experience. Battlegrounds has been stale since darkmoon prizes left, I even went and played Arena again for the first time in over a year.
Hoping for some changes to the other tribes or gameplay in general that really shakes up the meta. Or maybe gems will allow more builds to survive the midgame so that we can have fun again?
So STILL no fix for Golden Core cards not being golden in Arena? It’s been a while now, guys, wth…
when are we getting a “random hero skin” and “random coin” in skin selection? we are getting a load of skins, but it’s hard choosing only one to play with.
eternally cucking rogues
“bet u were expecting bloodfang”
Lul a patch just for battlegrounds. Get out of here. Waste of time.
It is easy. As you complete a certain amount of levels (it is not yet specified how many), of the rewards track (accumulated), each time you complete that amount, (or tier) you will be able to claim a new skin.
Let’s say, if each tier is 100 levels, it means that the moment you complete 100 levels, you will receive a new skin, if you complete 200, another, if you complete 300, another one and so on.
So, if you completed 70 levels of madness at the darkmoon faire, and now in forged you complete 150, that would add up to 220, which would give you 2 skins, assuming of course that each tier is 100 levels, since as I said, it is not mentioned how many levels each tier requires, and if it will be in fixed increments (100, 200, 300) or variable (100, 300, 500, 1000, etc).
This all looks fun but… paladin has a 70% win rate right now… Mage is also out of ctl on wild. It would have been fun to receive a 1 mana destroy all secrets lousy class spell and a 6 mana card that says heal 1 point of damage for each spell played by your mage opponent last turn.
Can we PLEASE fix Spreading Plague animation???
DH tier2?! interesting
Lul everybody knew that for month or more. Last patch was for standard, so next one is always bgs.
How about patching Paladin class that is rampaging over all the others.
Actually, if it were a copy, the OP play would be step (1) hero power the Brann; step (2) freeze; step (3) next turn, hero power the frozen Brann and then buy the frozen Brann for the triple.
I think you are right that it isn’t the copy though.
How did you not fix the massive bug with beasts? Or maybe address the terrible design of death rattle tokens doing full tier damage at the end of the round, it literally adds nothing positive to the game and only ruins the experience. Plus one of your own staff said you were looking at it like 8 months ago but still nothing.
Spain without the s