60 bucks has me ROFL

A hearthstone skin for $60… are you kidding??? For $60 I would expect something that was like a completely customizable hero skin, with 100’s of combinations to choose from.


I find it dumb to complain about marketing practices of that sort. The bane of current gaming industry standards is to make people pay to get gameplay advantages.

This affects nothing on gameplay; I just don’t buy it and I keep playing; it’s way worse when something is cheap but it manipulates the gameplay.


Dont buy it then. Problem solved.

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60$ is definitely a lot. At least it doesn’t cost gold. It’d probably cost like 600,000 gold if it did.

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They actually were kidding. They just wanted you to post about it about how indignant you allegedly were. They’re very sorry and they promise to never upset you ever again.

Why is there always some sarcastic jerk in every thread that questions an inane practice of Blizzard? $60 dollars is gross and they don’t need you people dry humping their leg, lmao.


I don’t care if it’s a billion dollars. I don’t buy it and it funds the game and it doesn’t manipulate the gameplay. Consider the alternative; “only 30 cents required to get one more card in the mulligan”; game dead because the “nicely cheap” product manipulated the gameplay with money.

There’s a difference between P2W and selling a silly cosmetic for $60 dollars, which is the price of another “AAA” game.

I don’t think the issue is pricey cosmetics, I think the issue is how much Blizzard thinks they can get away with selling them for. $60 for an avatar on a class is literally unprecedented territory.

Not buying it either, but I don’t see any harm in criticizing them for such a silly price point.

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There’s a difference, because P2W is so extremely worse, that it’s literally better to have 1 skin that costs 1 trillion dollars than P2W that costs a few cents; the first you don’t buy and the gameplay is 100% unaffected; the second kills the game.

I’m not going to purchase it but I’m not going to complain about it either. Skins are huge sellers in a variety of games - it isn’t limited to Hearthstone.

Let players spend their money as they wish. Just because it’s not a choice I would make doesn’t give me the right to criticize others.

I’m confused. Did you intend a different word in there? Because you literally just described yourself there.

Instead of “question” did you mean “defend?” That would make sense coming from you, in this context.

To answer that presumed question: I’m not defending them. I’m not even buying it myself. Though if I thought it looked cool, or if the voiceover had more references to “INSECT” then I’d consider it.

Now, a question for you. Did you, quite literally, “Roll On Floor Laughing?”

EDIT: ahh, I think I figured it out. You mean to imply that, within every single thread that’s critical of blizzard, there exists a sarcastic jerk. Ironically, the answer is unchanged, because only sarcastic jerks post obvious rage bait threads like this one.

You didn’t add anything to the thread. You’re in numerous threads adding nothing of substance except to chastise the OP about their opinion.

Blizzard doesn’t need you to defend them and it especially doesn’t need you to be a sarcastic jerk with no purpose…

All the dude said was the skin was overpriced, which it is. Yes, it’s cosmetic so ‘who cares’, but it’s the precedence it sets that $60 dollars for skins is reasonable to this company of shareholders.

When you talk in extremes like this, your point is meaningless and lost in the hyperbole. P2W has nothing to do with this, and if you want to get technical, every expansion that comes out blurs the line between P2W and F2P, but that’s another discussion altogether.

They can sell that skin for $30 to TWICE as many people if they lowered the price…

The only thing you want to focus on tho is “IT’S OKAY, NO P2W SO SELL IT FOR A TRILLION!” when the reality is, if they were a little less scummy, they’d reach a wider customer base, but the point of this thread is trying to illustrate to you that Blizzard just doesn’t care anymore about the average consumer.

I do not really get why people are giving a guy who balked at the price of a cosmetic and complained about it, especially when I’ve seen whales like Zeddy also bulk at a $60 cosmetic.

The company is free to experiment with price points, and the OP is providing feedback on this topic, which means he buys stuff like that, but not for that price.

Pixels are crack for some players and Blizzard can be quite greedy when it comes to taking advantage of some people’s addictions.

I remember being quite critical of the value of the first hero portraits when they were released for sale, because some looked bad, had terrible voice-acting and failed to have voice lines that interacted with specific specific heroes or cards that the hero was knownto have a strong association with in the WoW lore.

Back then, I even posted YouTube link summing up my opinion about anyone that foolish to buy them at the price point that Blizzard settled on.


A lot of the hero portraits seem lazily designed, and do not offer much bang for the buck.

I have spent money on HS, but never on a portrait, but I have no problem with anyone that does—just do not expect me to be impressed by some ridiculously expensive pixels.

You mean like you did, to me, by calling me a sarcastic jerk?

It takes two to tango, Mr. Tea.

But let’s try it your way.


The most expensive pack there is $480 USD. For cosmetics. At least with HS, you get some card packs. Additionally, in case you think this is merely “unprecedented territory” for Blizzard itself:


The collector’s box didn’t even come with the game.

Look, I already said I agree that THIS particular skin is not “worth it to me.” I don’t like how it looks and I’m not spending $60 on some card packs alone. But let’s be real here: it’s DEFINITELY more than a little ridiculous to make a topic like this one and employ the language / tone that was used. And THEN defend the rage-bait when someone pokes fun at it to dissuade bites.

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That exposes you have no clue about business practices. You need a study to answer that and not a wild guess in a gaming forum.

Maybe it would be more profitable if it was $100; maybe it’s more profitable at $10; you do not know by just guessing.

So you’re claiming I don’t know business practices, but then claiming I’m wrong based on your extensive knowledge of business practices.


I don’t know much, but I know you don’t always get 2X the sales by halving the price.

What the price causes to sales is a whole module or more in universities.

Pricing for maximum profit is a complex discipline or practice which many companies struggle to get right.

I worked in sales for 8 years, and I was good at it—always being 400% to 2000% above yearly sales goals.

I actually proposed what essentially became the Welcome Bundle for two purposes:

1). To provide a one time purchase opportunity that was attractive enough that many F2P players would purchase it with the psychology that once a player spent any money on HS, it would increase the probability that they would spend more.

2). It was a starting point for a “catch-up” mechanism to help new players to obtain enough cards to allow them to build decks competitive enough to have fun with.

I also insisted that the first sets of hero portraits should have been priced at $4.99 to get a vast group of players into the habit of buying cosmetics, but the company has always priced things on the greedy side.

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I’m doomed to be very conscious of that trick myself. I’ve seen $0.99 offers that are obviously affordable to me but I still don’t do it because optimizing F2P has become a game in itself for me.

But I’m pretty sure it works in general.