5 Patches No Fix for SHOPS CLOSED BUG

Pc and mac got a fix but still no “shops closed” bug fix for mobile. I still can’t play the new mini set cards. PLEASE HELP!


I’m on mobile. I got the miniset when it came out. Idk what’s going on but whatever it is isn’t effecting me


Your phone is either jailbroken or it was sold to you like this without your knowledge.
That’s the most common reason for this happening, check if you are getting software updates on your device.

You probably have the same problem I have being your device is no longer supported but you can still play the game. Regardless of the shop closed bug the support for android devices is abysmal at best. The devs don’t seem to care about mobile users enjoyment and only focus on PC support these days.

Are you using HUAWEI phone or you install HS from AMAZON app, If yes well that’s a problem(no bug fix for that at the moment).

Look at the bright side. At least this is keeping you from spending money on this game. : )

Kinda stops one from spending gold too

win/win? methinks so

No it’s a brand new phone android 13, it happened after an update and it was a common problem on all platforms. A fix came out for pc and mac three patches ago but mobile was untouched. This really needs to be known and fixed! :confused:

must be an android 13 issue then not on all android phones

don’t know where you heard that
i’m on PC and shop has been closed for at least 3 days
still is right now

After this new patch same :poop:. Or they’re closing it to update the shop, I’ve reinstalled tbe game before, fixing the closed shop issue, but it shouldn’t be necessary to do that due to their incompetence.

Six patches in now, STILL no fix for mobile. Pc and mac got a fix 3 patches ago :confused: