I no longer care S. They have no intentions of improving the game, and this deck nor it’s continued existence matters to me.
Because he don’t like mage.
He like the image of mage in his head that is more or less a mix of the old mage stuff with some delirium based on nostalgia.
So anything that isn’t mana wyrm he will decide that has to die to not make his sanctuary dirty.
Hilarious response, Min. I play mage every day.
And I haven’t played Mana Wyrm since it was nerfed, because even with the revert it’s not good enough anymore.
What I do like is HP/Ping, tempo/burn, Secret, and Spell damage.
HP/Ping is still a mediocre thing in Wild. Secret is still hanging on. Spell damage got stripped from Mage, and given to Druid and Hunter. Tempo/burn got killed, and has never been back since the MW nerf.
Your claim that I don’t like mage could not be more wrong.
But summoning minions has never been a style I like, and I see nothing wrong with that.
I could not possibly care less what you like to play.
Please do not concern yourself with my preferences.
Ya, while playing BSM, I lost to a BSM deck that got some really good, early high rolls from Yogg in the Box.
To be fair, Mal, everyone who frequents the forums is aware of your preferences. You only play wild. You love mage and only mage, and you only really love one specific mage deck from 2016. You also liked secret mage before Kabal Lackey was nerfed. And you enjoy some version of ping mage now. Every other competitive mage deck sucks for some reason in your eyes
I do not think that they “suck”. And I am elated that others are having a great time with the BSM deck.
You know; I played the Naga Sand Witch version of Big Spell?
But you also know it was very different than this version.
I don’t enjoy minion decks. If I did, I suppose I would play Pally or Druid.
And If you read my remarks you know that I play four different mage styles.
But mage has been changed. I don’t think anyone here can deny that.
I have posted my reasons for why it got changed many times here, so I won’t cover that again, but I don’t think anyone can dispute that the class bears no resemblance at present to what it was originally designed to be. With today’s decks the HP makes no sense at all to me.
But to close. I am glad mage has gotten a tier 1 deck. Whether I play it or not shouldn’t matter.
I am but one person, and plenty of players are having a terrific time:)
I don’t think I was playing when Naga Sand Witch was meta. I could be wrong. I started around Rise of Shadows and played for about a year before I even knew what a meta was
he cant go around complaining about mage not having a viable deck as long as the class one
he cant wait until it gets nerfed to start complaining again!
I won’t complain then as mage will have had a tier one deck.
I think your crystal ball is defective.
I’ve been asking for this since the dawn of time.
Really funny if 45% are mages because I am at D2 and since defeated 2 Tsumani mages in one row… and aggro DH… didn’t get any from the MM since… hmm… the MM realized Tsunami mage is not the biggest deal for me or what? Instead I am getting Rogues who can use anything from any class… and Priest who is doing the same just stealing half of the enemy deck… The MM can’t decide what to give me to block my Legend reaching so it is giving random based craps which can be used to fail me by RNG… very clever… and pathetic…
On my climb to legend I pretty much curb stomped every druid I ran across. Maybe I am an outlier, but by th time they start doing things that matter on turn 6-7 they have already eaten 2 Tsunamis.
Really they should be aiming to have the regular dragon curve. A turn 3 nest matron + chia drake, turn 4 flower child usually has enough stats on board that tsunami doesn’t do a lot of damage, then they can drop Marin and they are off to the races.
I am now also running Kalecgos and they literally have no answer to him. He pretty much always hits on turn 6 and proceeds to make their life miserable. There have been a few times where I get him out turn 4 and it is just brutal. Also, Druid is not always going to hit its curve. I can now combo off with King tide turn 4, Skyla Turn 4, Surfalopod Turn 4, or Kalecgos for sustain on 4-6. It is kinda disgusting to be honest.
If I had the time or will I think this version could easily make it into top 500.
Druids are trying out a new list that is hydration station focused. They drop a 6/8 taunt on turn 3 or 4 with oaken summons and just value roll from there.
That one minion will negate 3/4 of a tsunami.
The overall deck looks to be too weak against the rest of the field, but I don’t think normal BSM lists can beat that
That’s the new Ramp Druid and it requires a different approach to mulligan/piloting than the Druid types that have been traditionally played recently. You have to pay a lot more attention to WHEN you ramp and with WHAT, because the true value comes from cheating minions from your deck as opposed to drawing+dropping from hand. You still have the usual ramp and draw, but you gotta be more judicial about it. Innervate isn’t even an auto-keep unless I’m on the coin AND have Oaken summons in hand.
Obviously if they draw the nuts and you draw the fuzzy stick, you can still lose. But on average I want to say my win rate is like 75% or thereabouts against mage in the last 24 hours. I’m fairly sure all of them were doing that tsunami thing.
They play the 4/20 and unkilliax to top off their station. I saw it a few times on my climb and wrecked it since i wasnt playing mage xD