4/23/2019 - BLZBNTAGT00000907, BLZBNTAGT000008FC, and missing Play button

i’ve waited 10 minutes after closing and it worked, thanks

Okay, it seems like it finally fixed. Installing now. Again, thanks for milling my quest, Blizzard.

Rebooting worked for me. I guess the agent was still in the background somewhere or something. Thanks for the quick fix!

Thanks for the reports, everyone! Folks who are still having an issue or issues with installing, could you try restarting the system and see if the application works again?

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Finally! Tnx Blizzard!

So you’re telling me you coming back is what caused the issue for all of us? :thinking:

( :wink: )

It worked for me. I did the step 4 on uninstalling page.

Aaand we’re back! Thanks!

Restarting Battle,net and leaving it closed for a minute or two fixed the issue for me, thanks for all the hard work by you and the rest of the customer support team.


Tnx blizz works like a charm :slight_smile:

Hello guys, to anyone for whom rebooting did not fix the issue. What fixed it for me was: closed the blizzard launcher, went to the game folder and ran the game as administrator. Once you do that the launcher starts over and you have the update button again, I updated and downloaded about 200MB worth of stuff, got an error and pressed update again at which point the game updated properly and started playing again. Hope that helps.

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the problem is fixed , but this procedure is a bit uncorrect.

the first step If you start with closed battle.net you have to open it , the problem still show but in the background the client is patching the agent , so you have to keep the client open some minutes even if the problem is present [ no play button].
After this you can perform the other points … close , wait , restart.

Thats why for some people works only the 2nd time …

Thanks for the update, Cece. Its part of the reason why we ask to try again. There have been some more persisted situations that only work after a restart, or with a manual uninstall or run as admin as mentioned by eoLithic.

It’s working again, thanks!

Worked for me thank you for the feedbacks !

I can’t install Battle. net, because, it stays stuck in Updating Blizzard Agent…

Edited: The issue was solved after I re-started my computer.

I’m really glad now that first problem was solve, but some of us still with the battlenet app update problem

Had the problem few mins ago (can’t locate the game with install button only)…I’ve closed the tracker and restarted bnet app afterwards and it worked!

I was waiting for this to be resolved before we close this topic. We’ve confirmed it’s been resolved, since it’s been pretty steady for the last few days, going to go ahead and close this topic here! Thanks for your cooperation and reports, everyone!