36 card packs 1 legendary?

Hello, So is there a reason why I opened 36 card packs and only got one legendary? That doesn’t makes sense to me and wondering if someone knew why? Seems like they just want you to spend a arm and a leg?

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Pity timer is 40 packs so that is normal.

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got 2 in 10 packs - just draw better :))

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In 90 packs that I purchased with gold I got 3 legendaries. So it’s pretty normal.


That is sooooo boooboo that shouldn’t be normal smh

You should count every gap and find your total legendary rate overall.

My legendary rate (excluding golden, signature, first legendary) was 20.3 My worst gap was 38.

I find it funny when people ask about these things. It’s just luck. I understand it’s frustrating, but it’s silly to think that somehow it means something is wrong with the game. Better luck next time.

I opened 63 festival packs and pulled 3 legendaries. Pure scum and if you defend their greed shame on you.


Whew, lost myself in the forums. just want to post. good job with wrath of the linch. that was fun. Apparently I don’t get the linch pin now? its core? explain to me how I get core cards? man that was fun. Here is a deck that works. now just pay for it. playing since beta. if I don’t have core cards then who does?
i remember when mage assistant was 2 mana.

Yup, its just luck… Like a Casino.

Or more accurately, RNG with Bumper Bars like at a bowling alley. (Pity Timer, 1 in first 10 if you havent received any gifted legendaries, etc).

Take 5 dice and throw them like you would yahtzee, in a cup and face down and predict what the dice results will be. Only in the event you correctly predict all 5 dice, can you then say you won the RNG and that’s a legendary in the pack. Keep doing this over and over, you might find that it could be a while before you are successful at the wild guessing and unrelated to each other rolls of the dice. Only in HS you will get your 40th try to count as if you had correctly predicted regardless. There is no skill involved and no gambling, just the amount of good luck and bad luck that always exists in this type of unboxing.

I like to think of luck as water on the planet. There’s a lot of it about, its shame the majority of it is salt water (bad luck). But here and there is the fresh water (good luck). Taking the good luck for granted as a guaranteed or entitlement is just unrealistic. It isn’t like a casino. its like, how earth itself, works.

lol dude what. I won’t argue Blizzard isn’t greedy, but tying greed to LUCK which is EXPLICITLY explained which rarities of cards of which % and average % chance and pity chance of dropping, is silly.

Legendaries drop at 5%. Period. No greed.
One within first 10 packs of a type/expansion. Period. No greed.
One within 40 packs of the last opening. Period. No greed.

No one’s defending any company. It’s just LUCK. If you can’t understand how luck works, then dude I don’t know what to do for you.

Question frendo,

How does one program “luck”


Basically you create a pseudo-RNG program, that will give you chance to get a card - be it legendary, golden, 2nd rare, epic. Your chance is increasingly higher until it is 100% at 40 packs for legendary since you opened your last legendary.

I dont know exactly the system, but essentially the average should be 1 legendary per 20 packs.

So if you get 36 packs, I would argue in average you will get 2 legendaries - 1 in your first 10 and 1 afterwards. If you are running “bad luck”, you will get your first legendary in 10th pack and having 0 in 26 is not in realm of impossible. It is bad luck, but you are likely to get 2nd one in next few packs.

I had 2 expansions before 4 legendaries in 115 packs.

But as somebody, who dusts all the nerfs and then the rotations, I get “infinite” dust, so I can play whatever I want anyway, so I dont really care.