I thought Bilzzard would stick to the rule of 10 packs = 1 legendary, but I feel like I have been spitted on my face by RNGesus…
you should have got a legendary within the first 10 packs of each expansion you open, and every 40 packs thereafter is guaranteed one. Not sure why you didn’t.
That’s wrong. It’s 1 on the first 10.
He thought he’d get 3 or 4 legendaries, 1 every 10, which is wrong.
I am shocked that there is someone who still believe blizzard
Blizzard never said you get 1 every 10. In fact it would be illegal to say so (and be a lie I mean), because they must disclose “gambling” data of that sort to the Chinese government.
Actual odds for getting Legendaries and more here:
Welcome to my world. Opened about 10-15 and maybe hit a couple of gold/epic cards but never any legendary or signature cards
Blizzard never said you get a legendary every time you open 10 packs.
3 legendaries in about 50 packs, seems about right
That is not, and never was, a rule.
Where did you see that so-called “rule”?
the 10 pack pity timer is for epics not legendaries
You can get legendary cards faster just by crafting them. Open packs, dust extras or anything you’re not going to use, gold duplicates especially
Never ever dust Things without a nerf, exept Duplicates an golden Cards wich rotate in Wild.
If you dust everything, you’ll be dust-poor for ever.
these blizzard criminals should be arrested and taken to siberia. My nickname is spreading like a winter flu, blizzard trembles, hearthstone is finished
Average is one legendary every 20 packs, so yeah it’s completely normal that you would not get one from 10-15 packs.
Why did you expect otherwise?