31.6.1 Patch Notes

Patch 31.6.1 is a server-side patch rolling out today with the following updates.

Battlegrounds Changes

Pool Changes

  • Captain Bonerender has been returned to the minion pool.

  • Onyxia has been temporarily removed from the hero pool.

  • Jim Raynor is now banned in Dragon lobbies.

Hero Changes

  • Kerrigan, Queen of Blades now has more Armor (up to 18).

  • All levels of Jim Raynor’s Advanced Ballistics Upgrade now give less Attack (4, 5, 6, and 7; instead of 5, 7, 10, and 18).

  • Carrier has been removed from Artanis’s Protoss pool.

Updated Anomaly Bans

  • Emergency Landing: Ysera is banned.

  • Match Fixing: banned in Duos.

  • Line in the Sand: Captain Hooktusk, Malygos, Tess Greymane, and Scabbs are banned.

  • Golganneth’s Tempest: Knockoff Wisdomball is banned.

  • Uncompensated Upset: Snake Eyes is banned.

  • Cosmic Duality: Pyramad and C’Thun are banned from being either pick; if Rock Master Voone is the first pick, then Artanis, Ambassador Faelin, Maiev Shadowsong, and Thorim, Stormlord are banned as second picks.

  • Golden Arena: Cho/Gall and Madame Goya are banned.

  • Factory Line: A.F. Kay, Ambassador Faelin, Jim Raynor, Artanis, and Kerrigan, Queen of Blades are banned.

  • No Face, No Case: Rock Master Voone, Jim Raynor, Artanis, and Kerrigan, Queen of Blades are banned.

  • Incubation Mutation: Mech and Undead are banned.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [Tavern Brawl] Fixed a bug where this week’s Tavern Brawl, Battle of the Bans, was limited to the Darkmoon Faire. The Old Gods’ corruption has been abated.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where a minion with the Persisting Horror Dark Gift (“Reborn with full Health and enchantments”) would again be Reborn with full Health and enchantments if later given normal Reborn.

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Ysera, Emerald Aspect took damage from Ysera Awakens. Note: it is not a bug that a player with the Ysera Hero Skin still takes damage from Ysera Awakens—nice try, bucko.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where re-rolling a Hero option with an Anomaly that grants extra Armor active didn’t grant the extra Armor to the new Hero.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Jim Raynor’s Missile Pod only worked for the first combat.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where playing the first Caduceus Reactor Upgrade Spell of the game would generate another Upgrade Spell in the Tavern.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where picking Spawning Pool (Kerrigan’s Hero Power) with Sir Finley Mrrgglton didn’t grant the Larva.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug causing ‘Loc Prince to sometimes not gain extra stats.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a text display bug with the Secret Culprit Quest Reward.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a visual bug where Anomalous Wisdomball would “refresh” each turn.

  • [Battlegrounds] Turned off Spacefarer’s visual effect—it was a bit much.

  • [Battlegrounds Duos] Fixed a bug where Sandy transforming into a Battlecruiser brought Upgrades to the Tavern during the Combat phase.

  • [Collection] Fixed a bug where Signature-framed (but regular art) versions of Dinotamer Brann and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza could appear in packs. Players who got these bugged cards will get a random replacement Wild Signature card after the next hotfix.


Ysera Hero not taking damage from Ysera Awakens would imply the corrupted version is an instant kill. Keep that in your back pocket for an April fools update.


Why “set” mechanic does not work on Zergs?
If you set you set

Because of the buff from the “Infestor”.

The stats are set but then the “for the rest of the game” buff is applied to those stats.

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Any word on fixing text rendering for card names on Google Pixel phones? That’s been broken for over a month now…


And yet the reroll option for favourite portraits is still not fixed

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All i am saying Is: Ysera is not just a skin, it is in my heart. Equality for all Yseras.

Auras always apply last. Imagine casting Equality and then killing your opponent’s Stormwind Champion - if Equality set the post-aura health to one then the minions would now have zero base health. Infestor is an unusual case because the source of the aura is not removable, but the mechanic has been in the game from the beginning.

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Battlegrounds shop “Just for you” - got an Onyxia skin showing up there now, which reminded me that I havent seen her as a choice in a while, and I find it first now, in this thread, not on the official patch notes

- Why am I getting MTX recommended to me - that I quite literally am unable to use, as it is not in the hero pool atm?

This was also a new item, showing up AFTER this patch too, so its not like it appeared there before it was removed

Edit; barely 8 hours pass from when I post that question, and my “Just for you” page has that specific item replaced… HMMMMMMM

I didnt say I didnt want it either, I did want it, as I play Onyxia a lot, but I was asking why I would get it recommended to me at a time when she is disabled from play

You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected… You’ve been disconnected…

WHEN is THIS going to get fixed??? PLEASE for the love of God give us some sort of answer as to when mobile players get to CONSISTENTLY play the game. This has been going on for 3+ MONTHS… WHY???

I’m losing my freaking mind and about 2-3 hours of XP EVERY DAY… I’m having cards bounce back to my hand after being played in BGS and spells completely dissolving into thin air because I played them the moment I got disconnected.


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