31.4.2 Patch Notes

31.4.2 Patch Notes

Patch 31.4.2 brings bug fixes and balance changes to Standard, Battlegrounds, and Arena.

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Sh1+ devs poo poo devs


Hopefully be the patch where the pixel card name bug is fixed as well? :smiley:

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out of the hundred and thousand of cards in HS why not figure out a way to buff cards that were printed but never see play? seems like a giant waste…


The Fizzle and Snapshot changes look like good decisions. I’m no top tier player but I think they’ve hit the mark of nerfing the infinite without making them completely unplayable.

Of note it seems you can still get multiple copies of the Fizzle effect going with minions like zergling, it just will be limited to one stack per minion.

Please let this be true.

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Thanks, don’t know why activison still pays for such incompetence, you killed an actual difficult to play Rogue deck, and gonna leave hunter wth just enough to be a colossal anoyance not like it isn’t right now mind you, you needed to change the zergling creating a copy of itself and that was it.
How about looking at Dungar or bloody freacking shaman being a brain dead pile for more than a year!


Soooo you guys forgot to actually upload it or?!


Where is patch guys? Smal indi company strikes again…


Any word on the Pixel device issue causing various text to go missing throughout the game?

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Bluesky Social, lmfao. Yes, post important updates on a network no one but deranged individuals uses.


I don’t think they have the brain power to think of that zerg change, and i never bought a battlepass for this game until i started playing shaffar rogue for the golden shaffar

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dont know why hat posted there

twitter links arent banned on HS reddit(like some other sub did because of elon salute) the mods said they would keep using twitter for HS

Congratulations Blizzard, once again you ignore many of the problem cards. Fizzle was a nice change, it needed to happen. But you ignored all the other problem cards/archetypes like the new mini-set, mostly DK Zerg.

And since you’re against infinite cards, you should put a card limit on the portal from Kil’Jaeden.

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Could you please clarify when we should expect your update? Thanks in advance!

I just posted the link. I don’t know more than you when it will go live.

and yet, you do not fix the t3 murloc that is suppose to get buffs when the 6 keywords are triggered or removed. it only does it for divine, poison, stealth but not windfury, taunt or reborn.

we all reported this for 2 weeks since last patch and still not fixed.

The patch is now live!

its called Implant subject. Seems the “bug” was a fix. All the keywords that you don’t lose(minion just die), doesn’t trigger. Venomous, shield, stealth does trigger. Text wise, it makes sense, but the card is very bad now.