30.4.3 Patch Notes

30.4.3 Patch Notes

Patch 30.4.3 brings updates to Standard and Battlegrounds, and more!

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Cool path, but please add Sanguine Sylvanas to the shop for gold!

I don’t know but this art creepy af

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Portalmancer Skyla and Surfalopod’s nerf is a joke as expected. I don’t think you guys understand how to properly balance this game.

sadly still no fix for excavated cards not being playable until you exit the game and enter. big yikes! Even then you have to wait until it’s your opponents’ turn or you will probably lose w/e time was left on your turn.

IDK what the stats on surfalopod really have to do with it, when it’s effect is the issue.

They know, they simply don’t want. The OP cards are supposed to sell the mini-set, the fun the playerbase has comes second.

i dont want them to go around killing the fun out of the game like you want them to!

is good killing fun deck isnt a priority!
thats why they made the deck a bit slower without kiling it