30.2 Known Issues

I can’t play because of this(


Found an issue / Bug in the “The Boomsday Project” Solo Adventure.

Wing 2
Boss Name: Astromancer Arwyn
Puzzle 7: Aha!

When u get to the point where u have 3 copies of Sorcerer’s Apprentice on your side of the board your 2nd arcane intellect still costs 1 mana when its supposed to cost 0 with 3x apprentice on the board. this way u are 1 mana short of completing the puzzle.

Edit: Just found out that there are more than one puzzle that has this problem.

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In battlegrounds the alliance trinket is being triggered by kel thuzad in the tavern making the buff permanent. It’s counting the first minion dying in combat as the minion that KT eats and resummons

Any word on the dev team still working on this? It has been like a week with no solution.

Similarly to other players I am unable to progress past mission 1. Is there a solution I don’t know about?

Battlegrounds: Turns are too short for players on a slow connection. I’ve noticed that the timers start soon as the combat phase begins which leaves myself with 30-45secs each turn.

The watch a friend win a game or bounty in Spectator mode doesn’t seem to be working on the latest patch in Mercenaries. Haven’t tried other modes yet, but it hasn’t been noted on the Known Issues list yet.

The standard ladder paladin discovered that the derived cards excavated cannot be used or played


I hope this is the right place to put this, but Adaptive Amalgam doesn’t interact correctly with “treant” keyword cards. Cards like Overgrown Beanstalk, Ancient of Growth, and Cultivation don’t affect and aren’t affected by Adaptive Amalgam like they should be.

“Treant”, just like “imp”, “lackey” or “silver hand recruit” are not minion types, they simply designate a set of specific minions, that amalgams are not a part of as they are just of all minion types

If you don’t expect Piranha Swarmer to gain attack when you summon an amalgam, or you don’t expect Kingpin Pud to resurect your amalgams, then you shouldn’t expect treant-synergy cards to work with amalgams, since the trant minion type does not exist

  • [Added 9/3] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that Mirage (Spirit of the Badlands) and Fortune (Narain Soothfancy) sometimes generate cards that can’t be played. Some reports are indicating that this problem may be tied to when they transform into a card that generates another card.

FYI, this problem also occurs with generated cards from the Headless Horseman’s hero power.
Interesting enough, it does not freeze the game or lag or anything, and it still lets you pick up cards and click buttons. It doesn’t however register you letting go of the button until you drag it back in your hand.
This is even true for the concede button, but somehow quitting does work.

Hope this helps narrowing down the problem.