30.0.2 Hotfix Patch

Patch 30.0.2 is a server-side hotfix patch, rolling out now with the following bug fixes and updates:

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [Twist] Fixed a bug where random generation would sometimes fail. As a result of this fix, Forest Warden Omu, Halveria Darkraven, and Kael’Thas Sunstrider will once again be available for play through the remainder of this Twist season.
  • [Hearthstone] Changed the behavior of Adaptive Amalgam and Immortal Prelate in rare circumstances that resulted in infinite loops. If either of these minions would loop more than 30 times in a row without player action, they are instead permanently destroyed after the 30th loop.
  • [Hearthstone] Changed the animation for Horizon’s Edge to be faster.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Cliff Dive would not always return minions to the deck.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Package Dealer had slightly lower than 50% odds to draw an extra card. Unlucky.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Fairy Tale Slime would not summon anything to the Secret zone.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Sharkbait would not refresh Murloc Holmes’ hero power.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Partner in Crime’s Quest Reward did not show a preview of the Golden Buddy.

Where’s the new board?


On Friday and they have not yet pronounced on the board. Nor have they mentioned anything about their alleged approach. How disappointed I am. Blizzard

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You should fix the bug where tripple card reaards are able to he claimed with a full hand of cards with pass cards in the que also and the tripple reward card goes into the mythical universe of where the puck did it go land that never gets creddited to you…

Also when a monster has a PERMANENT effect. It aplies to their resurected units. Ie…wheb it says give your beasts +2+2 and the beast is reborn into a new one and gains that affect…the next time that same starting unit is reborn and the second one comes out again…the PERMANENT effect should last on that unit. Why doesnt that happen? Same with health for undead. When it says permanent. That mean the ubit ubderneath it needs to maintain the abilities from a permanent effect. Bothing else makes ANY sense and thats literally why people play this game is to see that activate that way.

Anyways. Sorry. But look into that please.

Good but not so good …we wait more updates…

Is there going to be an update that solves the hard and soft cheats? I was able to make improvements on epic games anti cheat system and ricochet anti cheat but yours is almost non existent and my write ups are ineffective. If you could provide better support or enhancement on the current system so I could do some analysis and design repai that would be amazing, I love the games but you can’t stop cheaters to save your life and I can’t help everyone but I’d like to help myself

ive been achievement hunting and i encountered a bug with the achievement from Castle of Nathria, Was I a Good Card? neutral achievement with afterlife attendant, tried to do it, no progress when minions die with it in play, even tried putting infused cards in deck or different copies of cards to die with it on board and am unable to make progression with this achievement, its stuck on 2 minions out of 50 for the first part, would like to see this achievement achievable if possible! Please let me know if you are working on a fix ! :smiley:

Hi I need to report a bug, I’ve played it twice now and the mirage you get from spirit of the badlands vanishes after you play your first minion. I had space in hand and i got no mirage back after playing a buffed drink server.