30.0 Known Issues

There are so many issues that have been ongoing on Android since the previous expansion.

  • Random disconnects
  • The app constantly updating. Every time I open the app it does an update in the background and affects gameplay if you’re not on wifi. It doesn’t seem to actually be updating anything though.
  • When playing duos, if my team mate has a triple for me but then I sell it so it’s not a triple, it still shows as being a triple on their screen. So the animations do not update once they are on screen to reflect your partners board/hand.
  • The health number duplicates on the hero
  • When picking the hero, sometimes it does not let you click Confirm meaning you just have to hope you get the hero you choose
  • Minions move positions on your board in and out of combat meaning you can accidentally sell the wrong minion if it moves just as you’re planning on selling something else

Mac client - It freezes on windowed mode too


i just recently play against dk deck and his deathrattle cards are auto triggering.
Am i miss something or is it bug?

Finally! Acknowledgement of the Great Victory problem! I shouldn’t have to deal with it for much longer! Yay!

Bodybuilder shaman on iOS - after copying one Muck Pools with Scrapbooking Student you cannot trigger the locations any more - they are just dead on board.

Hey team. So I’ve been noticing some issues with the Hearthstone Battlegrounds Solo. A little while back I had a couple instances where the Silver Goose didn’t spawn a fledgling. However a couple more yesterday and today.

Yesterday I had a Lava Lurker and put Divine Shield on it in the Tavern from Glowscale, and then after the next combat when the minions were back in the tavern the Divine Shield wasn’t there but should have been. I may be wrong but I believe it may have been an issue with the first Spellcraft not being permanent on that minion.

A bigger issue that I had just now was in a game that I won. I was versing a player named we were the only 2 left in the game. In one battle I won and did 9 damage to him and he had 9 health left so it was exactly enough for the win. At the end of the battle it did my animation to do damage to his Hero and his hero exploded signifying the end of the round and game, but then the game just went back into the tavern and he took no damage at all and when mousing over the portraits on the side it said that the battle was a draw and we did ‘0’ damage to each other. Please look into that as I think that is a serious glitch in the system.

Recruit Friend reward cluelessly missing for both of us. Everything were made properly, GM checked and confirmed our method was correct - friend is already eligible for the reward but we got no packs and skins, but task to write letters for blizzard

For the goose, if there is no room, it cannot summon a chick.
And if he takes too much damage and dies instantly, I don’t think he summons anything.

For this divine shield, it is not permanent, it is only for one turn.
It’s written on the card.

In fact you looked at your damage but not the ones he did to you.

No :wink:

Hello i just had two quests for my daily both including druid play 3 games and then i played three with druid to complete both and i only recieved the exp reward for one quest meaning the daily quest is bugging out missing 1200 exp :frowning:

Hi team, I would like to highlight you an issue.
Hearthstone → standard mode → death night hero → I try to clone the “Horizon’s edge” location with “scrapbooking student” but when I’m doing that, one location become unusable during all the game and consume one place on the board for nothing.

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also wanted to let you know i also recieved the demolition location card for my end of season reward epic

I have reached the Quest progress in order to get diamond Patches, Zola the gorgon, Reno Jackson and Zephrys but they never show up in my account

It seems to be any location. I just made a post about this. In meantime restarting the game will fix the issue but this is very annoying.

The golden pack given out for free never arrived for me to open after I claimed it. Hope you fix this soon.

Same issue for me, no golden pack after redeeming it, also didnt recieve one of my daily quests exp after completing it and still looking for a fix on the afterlife attendant achievement which doesnt alow progression


I don’t think it helps to make 4 messages in the same topic to say the same thing…

If everyone does that, then “Bli” is overwhelmed by the ton of topics and messages that drown each other and it doesn’t help the resolution.

i claimed free perils in paradise golden pack from shop but it didnt appeare in open packs section i couldnt get the pack

When I claim free golden pack it doesn’t appear in open pack sanction!!!

Imagine you can use the shop


Golden pack still missing for me. Anyone else still having this problem? Hopefully Blizz can sort this out soon and accurately track who didn’t get one.