30.0 Known Issues

The innkeeper still greets the player with the english PiP lines in the german version when the game is started.

Ran into an issue with playing Primordial Glyph in the Death Knight Whizbang the Splendiferous; tried to played it ~4 times, each time game would crash before the cast went off.

Please address Hearthstone continuing to crash on iPads and other devices. I have been posting about this for literally a year. My post-

Hearthstone keeps crashing on my iPad for over a year now. I always make sure it’s updated, I even bought a new iPad with the big amount of storage thinking that was the problem but it still happens. Whenever I open my collection the game crashes, it will crash during ranked play, it crashes when playing battlegrounds, it crashes when upgrading my mercenaries, it crashes when building a mercenary team, it crashes when building a deck, it crashes when changing my hero portrait, it crashes when changing my card back, and it crashes when changing my coin skin.

The frequency of the crashes is random, and the game boots back up in a few seconds of loading just fine after. The weird thing is Hearthstone never crashes on my phone when I do the same things. I opened a ticket because this has been going on for over a year. I did everything that the GM’s told me to do. The told me to “Uninstall the game, clear AppStore cache, turn off iPad, let it sit, turn it back on, then redownload Hearthstone”, which I did. Sadly, this did not make a difference, it still crashes. The GMs then told to contact Apple support, which I did, and I spent 30 minutes on the phone with Apple in September. At that time they connected to my iPad and scanned everything to make sure it was ok. Apple said everything is working perfectly and there was no problem with their software, so the problem and has to be with the app and therefore should addressed by y’all. I know I am not the only one because my son has the same problem and we don’t live in the same city.

As mentioned in my previous posts, Hearthstone keeps crashing on my iPad. This has been happening for over a year. The problem has gotten worse and worse to the point where I can’t even import a deck which means there’s physically no way for me to use the new expansion I just preordered. I have opened countless tickets, always with the response to post it on the bug forums and when I do I get nowhere. I have been posting every week, no responses, no results, still no fix.

I used to play Hearthstone for hours everyday. I used to love building decks, trying what my favorite streamers use, play Battlegrounds with my son, or just chill and play Mercenaries. This constant crashing has ruined Hearthstone to the point where I can’t even enjoy it.

Please Developers, I’m begging you, please fix the Hearthstone crashing issue. There are so many of us with this problem. I’ve been with Blizzard for over a decade and always supported and enjoyed our time together. But if this problem continues then I will unfortunately have to stop. I really don’t want it to come to that point. Please fix Hearthstone crashing on iPads.

iPad 9th generation
iPad OS version 17.5.1
19 Gigs of free space


Yup still no pack for me. Hoping to get it soon.

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Hello, I bought a miner set of Arthas’ path (there are a lot of cards for the death knight), played a couple of games and almost all of these cards disappeared from the collection (Alexandros Mograine disappeared, but Lady Deathwhisper remained in the collection) please help solve this problem

07.08.24 в магазине получил золотой пак-раздор в тропиках,но в инвентаре его нет до сих пор

Is that all you cry all about. You can’t get single golden pack . Do you know how it’s like for 5 months you cant use the shop and can’t buy packs, skins, adventures and ect. At least you got a golden hearth .
I don’t understand why is everybody crying about that , it’s not like they did something they said it would be fixed but then it was not fixed , like the clossed shop that had to be fixed 2 month’s ago .

hey i am waiting for my Golden Perils for a loooooooong time!!!

Here is another crybaby . For how long ? 2-3 weeks? What is better that you can’t get a single golden pack for like 2-3 weeks OR you can’t buy packs , skins, adventures and also you’ve at least got the golden Heart stonebrew .

1 day and still no answer. What happened you lost your arm’s don’t you soyboy .


Are there any updates on the gameplay bug fixes…? Scrapbooking Student still causes locations to become unresponsive on mobile!

Not sure if this counts as a bug or just a limitation with the way animations work in this game but when you stick a lot of “Aegwynn” deathrattles onto an “Adaptive Amalgam” when drawing the amalgam the animation eventually gets so long it just skips your turn (I think happens at around 100 spell damage or so xd)

Would be nice if the Aegwynn animation could get sped up or skipped through :stuck_out_tongue:

Also it will be very good if everyone can use the shop

2 bugs I noticed:

  • Mercenaries isn’t progressing Cast 12 Fire or Nature Spells daily quest
  • Battlegrounds collection is showing a ! that won’t clear for a new Board, clicked every board and it won’t disappear