3 new neutral PIP cards revealed by hearthstone top decks

Customs Enforcer - 3 mana 2/5 rare pirate - Enemy cards that didn’t start in their deck cost (2) more.

Bumbling Bellhop - 3 mana 3/3 rare undead pirate - Taunt. Battlecry: If you are holding a spell of 5 cost or more summon a copy of this.

Carry-On Grub - 4 mana 5/4 epic beast - Battlecry: Get a 1-cost Suitcase. Pack the top two cards of your deck into it. (the suitcase is a 1 mana spell in hand)


R these class cards?

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Rare · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Enemy cards that didn

Rare · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Taunt Battlecry: If you

Epic · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: Get a 1-Cost Suitcase. Pack the top 2 cards of your deck into it.

They are neutral cards.


Very weird bunch of cards, but I guess that’s neutrals.

The artist did a good job on the 1st and 3rd. Considering the theme, this is better than expected.

I swear the first guy is planting drugs on someone.

LOL I assumed they were Druid cards. Need to change everything.

Customs Enforcer: Razorscale sees no play and this is worse than that IMO. Clumsy tech card against Excavate Rogue, I guess?

Bumbling Bellhop: this card will probably be everywhere. Even Flood Paladin has Keeper’s Strength and Prismatic Beam. Definitely good enough, IMO. Even if it’s just in Highlander decks.

Carry-on Grub: basically a 5-mana 5-4 with Draw 2, but with better tempo. At first I was thinking of School Teacher but this is way worse because there’s neither card generation nor mana cheat. Grub seems decent at best. Most classes can draw cards for way less mana than this.

I guess Sonya lets you copy the Suitcase.

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And Pip.

Technically it’s good tech against Dirty rat.


RIP Dredge. Could’ve been good skill expression, but that’s not this game.


hmm cards in the suitcase will be treated as "created by"right?

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I don’t think so unless it’s a copied suitcase.

maybe if banker does …ill have to test how it works with banker

in decks withoutmuch card draw this will be useful it pretty much generates a draw 2 cards for 1 mana

since it doesnt literaly draw cards …it can pull tnt ,bombs and plagues out of your deck without triggering them


If it does then Raden goes up a little in value. I already use him in my priest deck and it’s wonderful.


Would it have killed them to have the customs enforcer guy be a permanent battlecry rather than an aura… Theres no reason to run it as it will be long dead before it does any disrupting.

In theory carry on grub can be used with that paladin tourist to get an extra copy of whatever is in the suitcase. Its one of those cards that looks pretty bland on the face of it but can potentially lead to some interesting interactions once everything has been revealed.

Bellhop can go into a DK handbuff but I’m not sure what spell they have over 5… perhaps necrotic explosion?

Nothing so far at least seems like something to have to groan about facing for the next year


I mean, Raden is a no brainer considering all those randomly generated minions Priest gets anyway.

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Enforcer is just another in the line of useless 3 mana 2/5 tech cards with Mindbreaker and Tight-Lipped Witness.

Handbuff DK generally does not run spells. At best Sinister Soulcage or Helm of Humilation (both 4 mana).

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Well, you might be surprised to know that no meta deck runs it. The meta deck list is really bad imo.


Strange as it was practically in every Reno Priest deck I faced… that is before I started to auto concede to Priests.

Edit: Just went through couple of Legend Reno Priest lists on donkey: you are right, no Raden in sight.

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Yup. I run my list as a dragon priest highlander and I just went 9-0 in diamond last night. Raden can hit dragons and instantly meet Zarimi condition. The mini dragon taunt is great with both and with Elise. No one else runs it because they are so focused on running a removal package in highlander priest to maximize Elise instead of going a high minion generation deck.

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Shudderblock and Reno Warrior exist, along with copy, bounce, and many other ways to just make it a “lock your opponent out of playing cards” card


Would that have been too powerful though? I don’t disagree, I’m just asking the question.