Holyyy, nice, finally a counter for rogues!
He’s not planting them, he’s discovering them xDD
Valeera tried to smuggle some through the border, but this guy found it and taxed her
That Grub could be really interesting if a shaman combo deck ever comes about to Shudderblock for combo pieces. It’s maximizing hand space and low enough in cost to put the cards in hand. The fact that you know that’s in the 1 cost spell makes it very easy to manipulate your hand for combos.
I can’t really see a reason why Brann warrior wouldn’t play a copy of this card. It’s just good in that deck with a potential to become better as the game goes on. Again maximizing hand space.
I honestly dont see a reason why almost any deck wouldnt run grub. Its an overstatted minion that draws 2 with a 1 mana tax you can play later that in addition protects the cards in it and essentially lets you hold an additional card in hand.
I think the effect is match up/meta dependent. I’m on the side that it probably isn’t as practical as it seems, since people can just kill the body first.
One thing that I’m more confident on it being good is the stat line. 3 mana 5 health is very good, especially on a minion with a lasting effect.
I’m reminded of rogue’s EVIL miscreant. Initially it being 1/5 was considered too good and it had to be nerfed to 4 health. Power creep happened and now it’s reverted back to 5, but the point is that 5 health is pretty good.
The only decks i could think of not running it would be pure aggro. It could even gain in popularity after next years rotation if power level and card draw effects draw off more.
Out of these three, the only one that might see play is Bumbling Bellhop.
These all seem like very niche cards for a very specific deck. I don’t think any of these see any real play unless there is some combo with Grub. Handbuff DK might use Bellhop, but they already have another minion that uses corpses and that rarely sees play as is.
Customs Enforcer might see play in ETC somewhere, but cards like that very rarely see any play at all because the minion just gets killed easily and then they continue doing what they would have done.
So for stuff like Customs Enforcer to work well, you already have to have minions on board and the enemy shouldn’t have minions on board…which means you’re probably already winning anyway. I doubt it sees any play except for maybe at high legend to target a single deck that might be overrunning the meta. Other than that, it’s gonna share the same fate as stuff like “Cards can’t cost less than 2” minion…and you know how much that sees play.
Cards like Customs Enforcer need Stealth on them. If they have that they see meaningful play and meaningful impact on the game. This is a card designed to look like it effects Rogue without hurting Rogue because “reasons”.
It’s not really easy for rogue to kill a 5-health minion that early in the game, and yes, they should be behind on the board by the time this gets played, as they lose tempo with excavations
You should play this to disrupt her Scorpion turn, and if you manage to do it, you delayed her snowball for a whole turn, possibly more (again, it’s not easy for rogue to kill a 5-health minion - anything she can use to kill it will cost more because it’s discovered from another class)
It would be lock your opponent out of playing randomly generated / discovered cards. As of now you can just dump 20 discover cards in your reno deck and call it a day, this would at least make people rethink that. Not to mention bouncing a 3 drop over and over again against something like handbuff paladin would a death sentence but against something like casino rogue actually becomes an effective tech card. As of now this card will see no/very fringe play which means there still exists only a marginal and borderline unplayable way to punish discover / random generate and the mana cheat that comes along with it.
In wild you can already shudderwock lotheb over and over again so theres precedent and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t broke the format.
I suppose to expand if they’re going to do a tech card like this they should do it right. If that meant making it a legendary and raising the mana cost a little ok, but doing a half measure card like this is just insulting.
There is a huge difference between a 9 mana endless combo in wild and a 4 mana if your opponent is a specific deck type they cant play any cards after turn 4/5.
Its like if cult neophyte, a card that has seen play for years, had for the rest of the game on it.
If a card like that was ever to actually exist, it would have to be more expensive, a lesser cost increase, and it would have to affect both players
The problem is that you have to first play this in your deck to counter exactly one deck. Then you have to get it on curve and then you have to hope they don’t have a way to remove it on their next turn. Too many if’s to warrant playing it in any deck ATM.
It’s not that materially different from sniping a combo deck (like sif/odyn of old) with rat or the old plague DK countering reno on turn 4. But I agree they’d probably have to readjust the cost/stats/rarity, but the playerbase is due being given an actual viable tech card against the casino/rampant discover in the game
Not 1, but 2 rogue decks (Cutlass rogue also depends on playing other classes’ cards) and it will be good against more classes now because of the tourist keyword. So this comment is wrong. Also, dunno about you, but where I play that’s 20-25% of matchups. Now, I don’t usually like tech cards, but I’ll tech against 25% any time.
And? Lol that’s the whole game for any deck xD
They really don’t. You don’t have to take my word for it, just open up a deck a see for yourself. How do you deal with a 5-health minion when your entire deck is made to discover cards from another class, which now cost 2 more (and the rest of them are excavate rewards, which also cost 2 more)
Customs Enforcer is good stats for the cost and has a tribal tag. Ultimately, the playability comes down to the disruption. It has a chance for some play, but probably too niche for most decks to care about.
Bumbling Bellhop is pretty meh as a 3-mana 3/3 Taunt. However, if there’s a tempo deck that can reliably trigger the Battlecry, this card will see play.
Carry-On Grub is a minion with aggressive stats and a Battlecry that helps you rip through your deck. A lot of people have discussed value scenarios with the Suitcase, but this card seems perfect for Aggro decks. Value shmalue, me go face.
Bellhop is actually quite good and like a neutral double agent with taunt (if you are running enough high cost spells to consistently get it out on turn 3)
That’s the point. the hope is that they don’t have something on turn 3. You want a tech card like this on turn 3 so that you can stall out at minimum their next 2 turns. If you play this card on say turns 6 the rogue is going to easily remove it and continue on. Not all cards require you to play on curve for an effect but a card that has a continuous effect while remaining in play needs to survive and late in a game the chances of that happening are much lower.
If this card was more of a turn effect BC i could see this seeing play for sure and being effective. As it is right now it’s for Rogue and playing tech cards for one class that might be good after the expansion has always been a bad idea. If we see more cards played because of the new mechanic maybe but even then sticking to your original plan is almost always better. Leave balance patches to fix the oppressive decks.
I appreciate you play in the top of the meta ladder Altair but you need to think more “Big Picture” and not in a tiny meta. In a tiny meta cards that are on the whole bad become very good. In a wider meta they are still bad. I am not commenting on the top of the meta. It’s not realistic because mostly it doesn’t matter and it’s an irrelevant part of Hearthstone in general. If the game had a more competitive scene that mattered there could be an argument for it mattering but it doesn’t.
It’s going to be a card that’s entirely reliant on the Battlecry. It’s a card that I expect to see play, but could equally fall out of favor if having a 5-cost spell in hand proves to be more prohibitive than it seems.
Oh yes, cuz the bottom ranks definitely have a “bigger picture” in their mind
So you’re basically trolling, alright