3 more DH cards for Titans!

Disciple of Argus is a fine body, if slow. Has good synergy with Argus if you plop it down on either side. But that 10-mana combo looks pretty weak compared to what we saw from Druid’s Disciple card.

Weight of the World slots right into Aggro DH with the rest of the “draw lots of cards” package. Divine Favor was banned for a reason, I wonder if we’ll get as salty about this one. More Mogu in the art, by the way…lots of Mogu perhaps indicates a Pandaria expansion?

Mythical Terror is the goodest boi for Big DH. Don’t think it goes anywhere else.

I’m very interested to see how Argus can work with all the cards out, now. He’s a really awesome Titan in theory, but doesn’t really seem to gel with any strategy the way Aman’thul or Eonar do. Perhaps the design goal for Titans was that they don’t synergize, and Priest/Druid strategies are currently so generic or amorphous that it only seems like they fit?



The ridicule continues i guess. Point and laugh people, blizzard has done it again.

New DH Class identity: Lifesteal


Silvermoon Arcanist and Unleash Fel will rotate out at the same time. I would expect the class to get some decent Lifesteal every year, since the slower decks can’t survive without it. It’s not like DH has armor or direct healing or taunts.

Besides, Mythical Terror is pretty much only going to be used in Big DH. That deck isn’t nearly as pervasive as Relic or Outcast right now.

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DH has taunts… well maybe only in wild but i use them because I’m a bad player and play what I like lol

Also note, Disciple of Argus is the first DH Deathrattle we’ve seen in a while. Argus can discover it and make it cost (0) with his oddball “Discover a deathrattle” ability.

The only other DH Deathrattles in standard are Azsharan Defector and Kryxis the Voracious. There still isn’t a Deathrattle package yet, but we’ll see what happens over the 4 expansions after TITANS.

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I think maybe you need a break, you are salty about everything regarding the new expansion. When I’m too salty I take a break from the game. I play the game since open beta and there are plenty of expansions I decided to skip simply because I didn’t like the game at that time.

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woops got feel is druid card beast whit lifesteel and potencial board clear…pff DH card no comment
maybe give it to hunter is need more!

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I’m free to do what i want, i need not answer to you. If i want to complain i will complain.

Disciple of Argus is a no. Weak body into 2 weak bodies after it dies doesnt seem very good. If it had taunt itself then maybe it would be better.

Weight of the world is at minimum Arcane Intellect, and most of the time it will still probably be Arcane Intellect. Against aggro, the DH is gonna have more cards, and Relic DH already holds a lot of cards in hand. Maybe aggro DH uses this with Dispose of Evidence and Bibliomite to get more value out of it, but a 5 mana divine favor + 2 is extremely expensive for an aggro deck.

Mythical Terror is indeed the goodest of boys. Unfortunately he is no hollow hound. Probably bad considering their other lifesteal options.

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Awesome. Divine favor was too powerful for its own good in aggressive paladin decks for years, so much so it was eventually nerfed and then forever contstrained to wild. Surely giving demon hunter and EVEN STRONGER divine favor could never go wrong… nothing bad can possibly come from this. Definitely not. Nope. I see nothing wrong here at all. This is all perfectly fine.

NO It’s NOT fine. This is the class that runs arcanist + uleash fell + enchanter comboes and has lifesteal that rivals or even surpasses hound hunter, that has a removal package that rivals or even surpasses priest, has the most obnoxious mana discounting cards in the game that rival and probably surpass rogue, and can proactively burn your face and kill you dead. This is not fine at all!!!


The one thing DH was lacking was draw. It’s good to know they got great support for it.


And it’s 5 mana total. It’s a good thing DH will have to pay full mana price to play it.



I’m the only who reads this card as:

The more cards you have in your hand the more ***** you are?

Atleast he can’t discount the forge cost i guess. So it will cost atleast 2 mana.


They decided to kill aggro and control. So maybe they’re pushing mid-ranges with Titans now? It’s gonna be f****** funny.

I did not say you have to answer to me. I just said that works for me, sometimes a break is good.

I don’t see how a 5 mana is better than a 3 mana card that does the same thing. When someone was playing divine favor they would always draw more than 2 cards.

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It’s not 5 mana. It’s 2 mana to forge then dump your hand, then draw like 8 cards or whatever for 3 mana in control match ups.

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Yeah, that’s a 2 mana forge, then costs 0. This is DH.

DH isn’t paying full mana for anything over turn 3.

I don’t think any of those cards are playable ATM. A couple expansion later though they will probably see play.

Disciple of Argus is sticky, but that initial 2/2 body is very underwhelming. If the Disciple itself had Taunt too, it might see a bit of play.

Weight of the World would be busted in many classes, but it’s only decent in DH. The class has a glut of card draw that’s simply more appealing than a 5 mana Divine Favor on steroids.

Mythical Terror gives Big Demon DH a solid heal tool…except I think that deck already runs Silvermoon Arcanist/Unleash Fel (very fun and interactive). Not sure this helps push that archetype very much.

Disciple of Argus probably isn’t worth it because the base body isn’t threatening enough.

1-2/5 Star Power. Probably won’t see play. Maybe with Quilboar stuff of the past it would, idk. Probably needs a tribal tag.

Weight of the World looks really fun and like one of the best cards of the set.

6-7/5 Star Power. Might be nerfed.

Mythical Terror might be good, it’s hard to judge.

4-5/5 Star Power. It’s more likely to work than not. Probably as a 1 of.

In what deck is DH reducing this to 0 consistently? The reason DH isnt paying things full priced is because of the relic, but why would you play this in relic DH? Your hand is already full 90% of the time, especially if you drew it off of relic of phantasms, and your deck is near empty.