3 more DH cards for Titans!

I wasn’t specifically targeting Relic DH here. Quest DH also exists in other modes.

But there’s nothing to say Relic DH doesn’t pick this card up and change its other package.

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My bets:

Jotun will see play in every deck, even replacing Xhi’lag/Xymox in spell DH.
Argus will see play in Relic and probably Spell and Big DH.
Runic Adornment will see play in Relic, Spell and probably Big and Aggro.
Mythical Terror will see play in Big DH.
Momentum, Crystalline, WotW and Argunite Golem will probably be a part of a new aggro DH alongside the Castle Nathria package.
Eredar Deceptor and Disciple of Argus will see play only through discovery.

3+2 is 5 (paying 2 in a round then 3 mana in another round is not as impactful as paying 5 mana in a single round but you still have to pay 5 mana in the end). And if the opponent is at 9 cards you will have to burn 1 card. Sorry but divine favor is the stronger card. Also, you will play this in aggro most of the times and you probably don’t really want to skip any early turns wasting mana for forge so you will probably end up paying 5 mana in a single turn anyway.

Saying it’s 5 mana is misleading, though. If it were 5 mana, it’d be awful, but being able to spend turn 2 forging it, and then playing it later makes it a lot better. Divine Favour is probably better, but Divine Favour got HOFed for a reason.

And yeah, aggro won’t, but certain tempo/outcast builds will. Those want to sequence cards in a particular order, not just dump their hand every turn. This is way more like a miracle rogue-style card than anything. Or like old tempo mage with flamewaker.