29.6 Patch Notes

29.6 Patch Notes

Get packed for Hearthstone’s next expansion: Perils in Paradise!

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Cool. Another xpac that doesn’t have anything to do with Warcraft. If team 5 wants to make another game so bad, please by all means do that and leave this IP to someone who cares about it


So instead of fixing the existing problem OP cards, the solution is to dump 2 other OP cards back into standard.


I asked for Toggwaggle recognition and instead they show me Marin pawning off his treasure!

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its just an event those 2 cards will be removed on expansion release

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There is a mistake on one of the revealed cards.

Common · Spell · Perils in Paradise · Deal 3 damage. Spend 3 Corpses to return this to your hand at the end of your turn.

In the german version it says: “Spend 3 corpses to return this MINION to your hand.”

This is a spell and not a minion.


Everyone’s preferences are different, but tie-ins to Warcraft would be among the least important thing for me. I just want a fun card game. I’d play Hearthstone if Warcraft didn’t even exist.


Man, I really wish you guys wouldn’t have added buddies to battlegrounds. This iteration is trash. I was enjoying the last one a lot. Even though it needed some balance tweaks, it was overall pretty good. I will be sitting this one out.

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literally only adds two decks though, Odd DH (which yeah is stupid busted, consistently kills by turn 5) and even handlock (which is bad because of former)

Nothing else can afford to use restrictions since there’s 0 HP synergy in standard (and the ones that do exist require multiple even/odd cards)

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german again? they had many issues with that language since whizbang release


It started with Badlands. The amount of errors was shocking. A little grammar mistake here and there can happen but the Badland cards were full of mistakes and in some cases the card text was just plain wrong. The effects and keywords were completely different from the original.

It got better with Whizbang but there are still some issues. I really hope the new expansion does not contain a large number or mistakes. I make threads about them but it is always uncertain if they actually read them or not.


But WHY are buddies back? Buddies just clog everything up and most of them aren’t even decent.

Buddies and quests are both dumpster tier. ;(

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why not?it changes BG

Because most of them are garbage and just, as said, clog up things.

just swap language to english since you seem to have np with it (this is the en forum). Im german too and tbh if i see now cards in german i need some time to realize what they were doing xD

" Matchmaking Update

Previously, matchmaking on the ranked ladder was based on your internal rating (commonly called “MMR”) while you had bonus stars and based on ladder rank after you ran out of bonus stars. Now, matchmaking will continue to be based on your internal rating even after you run out of bonus stars. This change should reduce matchmaking complexity and result in more consistent and fairer matches throughout the ladder."

I have big hopes for this change because I get fair matches usually until my bonus stars hold… after that, everything changes… seems like the game is fully turning against me with all of it’s mechanics when run out of bonus stars. I was not upset because I lost a match… because losing is part of the game… I was upset when I lost a match where I had no chance to win at all… and even get 2-3 more in one row… THIS is the part when I leave the game for the day… because a game should be entertaining… and this is frustrating, not fun when that happens… I feel my time was waisted… and time is the most valuable thing in life.

How can they make such a bad patch again,i thought after the weekly quests nothing can be worse but this patch is actually atleast 10 times worse.
MM changes - on paper it looks horrible,but ill have to wait until next month to confirm it.Grind to legend becomes even harder for absolutely no reason.
AFK XP nerfed - no reason to do so at all.
XP while playing NERFED giga hard.I get 50 xp for a game which went to fatigue.HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE???

would the afk xp thing help or do anything even since from what i’ve seen most bots are programmed to constantly take action throughout the game anyways?

Afk buffs for +2/+2. How are all the rush 2/2 zombies 5/5s then???
Anyone any ideas? :joy: :joy:

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Mobile bugged telling me to update the game but there is no update available from the store.

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