29.6 Known Issues

I can’t even play arena right now


I am having this same issue - did you find a fix yet?

My idea of a fix was to ask Customer Service what to do, who in three seperate tickets referred me to posting the issue in the forums, because there will be, and I quote “a developer who will look into the issue shortly”.
I did that. Multiple times. And guess what? No issue resolved. It’s still there for literally months now.
I guess Blizzard is too busy charging people 25 dollars for a wiggly character skin than to look into their customer’s issues and bug reports.
I myself also work in customer support. If I would work like that, my butt would have been fired literal years ago by now.

It’s not even listed…what about all the quest trackers not updating in game?! Everyone has to log out then in multiple times over a play session just to keep track of everything AND get rewards.