29.6 Known Issues

Battlegrounds Bug. Chef’s Choice doen’t work on buddies. I just did the spell and no card of the same type was generated.

shop close by me on eu reinistall has doesnt work


5 major patches and chat on phone is still not working. Bugged keyboard and unstable, can’t reconnect after disconnecting


Indie Game Dev Company …



is there a update when is fixed?


is there a update on this problem?


The german card library shows the flavor texts in english. Everything else is correct but the flavor texts are in the wrong language.

I’m on android and the us server and my shop has been closed since six patches back after receiving a patch


If anyone on hearthstone team wants to email my linked email i can forward video to show what i mean. (Approx 4 min video by issue shown over two rounds so probably only need first minute)

Fix the bug that always download the 3.1GB update whenever mobile players are logging in. It consumes a lot of data. Its been happening for almost a week. Imbecile devs.


same problem… Devs wtf?


冒险模式什么时候修复啊…555555555…我在刷对钩 结果无法选套牌

Hey I wanna report a bug which doesn’t happen all the time but it is sooo annoying when it does : If you have golden tomb diver and your last cards are octosari, then Titus, it could work well for the first fight and your octosari can spawn a 50/50 tentacle or idk but for the second fight and sometimes others, even if the 50/50 or more is written, the tentacle spawned can be 8/8 or just a bit more. Happened twice in 2 days for me already.

Shop working again on EU at least for me, after applying (unannounced) 8GB patch


По прежнему не работает магазин


Opening the match with the Rock Angel Annhylde skin against Sanguine Sylvanas will display the special greetings interaction line from Annhylde: “I shall NOT take your place this time, my lady.”
Still, the audio output will use her regular: “The stage is a battlefield.”

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It wasn’t 8GB, but the patch had to sift through all the game files and therefore it looked bigger than it was.
I think hat confirmed this on Reddit.

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Every time I log in to Hearthstone on my android it re-downloads the latest patch. All I want to do is play, but really can’t be bothered to wait for it to do it’s thing.

I thought that the update downloaded quickly to the fact that it patched 8 GB, then I thought that the update might have downloaded in the background during the night.

But what you found out explains it, thanks for clarifying :wink:

Otherwise I found the source on reddit that you mentioned

Hey there! I just encountered a bug with Wickerclaw. The opposing Druid’s Wickerclaw was a 3/4 and after I used Twin Slice twice, it triggered it’s effect twice, raising it to a 7/4. As far as the card text reads it should only trigger from the Druid’s actions and not the enemy. I believe this to be an unintended side effect maybe brought about if the Sing Along + Wickerclaw interaction was fixed? Thanks!