29.4 Patch Notes

Both nerfs are good. Anyone overreacting is forgetting how effective the cost nerfs are to a decks win rate.

Been loving the Highlander card reworks, much more fun to play with now. Only competitive Highlander deck was warrior and that’s been addressed

The nerfs will slow down the two most OP decks, and the mini set will stir everything up further.

Great to hear they’re planning another patch after the mini set too! If anything is still OP they can rework.

Thanks for all the hard work HS team. I don’t think anyone here understands how abnormal it is for a card game to have this much dialogue and patch fixes from the developers.

Still the best card game on the market, and the most affordable to boot

how often did you see a warrior filling the board on turn 8 with azerite ox since the nerf?

If you are reffering to brann + ox in the same turn, its so rare that its barely worth mentioning … before the so called nerf, i got to legend with warrior and never used it once.
Also, warrior games are pretty much decided way before you can brann + ox.
The thing that tilts players that lose to brann is usually boomboss, due to the card deletion. The current deck that uses brann has been toned down alot, up to the point that even brann on 6 mana doesn’t help if you draw poorly … hence why i said the nerf is almost useless.

That is a subjective opinion and you know it.

the diamond version of Puppetmaster Dorian has a doll hanging in the top-left corner. it’s rather unsettling since it’s like the last struggle of someone hanged with rope. change/remove it or make it stationary.

Pls, delete this stupid visual effects in duel battlegrounds when use portal.

You’ve got to be joking, right? You cannot possibly be bothered by this, for real.

By all thats green and good, y’all need a more serious and meaningful hill to die on. Hearthstone card art/animations ain’t it. People like you got the Jaina hero portrait changed.

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this is Hearthstone, not Gwent. you die on their hill.
and how does this relate to nudity?!

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There was no nudity in that portrait. It did not need to be changed. At all.