I like the reno change it rewardsd people who have sacraficed consistance for the payoff so this is both a buff and a nerf because it cost most more the but other decks cannot buse it anymore that just draw their deck fast.
I like the tnt change because it now has counterplay you just keep 10 cards when its played and the card wont trigger becauser the tnt wil be milled.
I am abit sad about sif mage i do hope the miniset offers sif mage support or other mage archetypes.
Overall great patch all the problem cards were hit.
sry boreas sems i missed is not only reno make it start of gameâŚ" all HL card" so sry
and maybe now aviana can be play on turn 5 instead of wait reno and dragon
Good set of changes, the most annoying cards have been touched like Stealth Zilliax, Threads and Zarimi. The highlander restriction gone is great, itâs dumb that only DK could counter it. Reno at 9 seems a lot more fair.
Control decks were hit the most, warrior had 3 board clears nerfed by 1-mana plus itâs a lot easier to counterplay vs Boomboss. They can no longer run duplicates which is a bigger nerf than most anticipate. Plus tendrils are dead.
Warlock got forge nerfed (finally!), one more turn for wheel and canât run reno anymore. All very significant changes.
OTK got quite hurt quite a bit but I think theyâll manage. Mage might need more buffs though. Maybe druid will show up now.
Aggro decks were barely affected with no significant nerfs. The miracle salesman change doesnât affect them. Zarimi priest is very strong even without Zarimi, pain warlock is still very strong and the hunter change is meaningless.
Overall I think the meta will shift greatly towards aggro and decks that can counter them, specially shaman with its board clears like Baking Soda Volcano (now the best card around).
Reno was already powerful, why would you nerf the only way to help combat it. Do these devs ever even play the game?
For al those who didnt catch it all badlands highlander cards not just Reno are changed to if your deck started with no duplicates meaning plagues cannot disrupt highlander effects anymore so SHAMAN IS BACK u betcha so i can finaly do some fun stuff with shudderwock and maybe add Hagatha in shaman.
Highlander meta incoming i cannot be more happy this is amazing i am very happy:)
I am so happy that highlander decks are now back i am so happy 
I am gona play this patch non stop just being able to play highlander im so happy.
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Plagues still counter brann not reno. If the warriors want the reno board clear they must sacrifice consistency while the brann still has its same issues.
Edit: never mind i reread the article and they are being buffed.
LOL. time warp and Floopâs Glorious Gloop nerfs are ridiculous. WHat a joke 
Once per game mechanic is nothing but straight up TRASH.
Well, at least i no need to ever play this game again with such stupid changes for WILD mode.
- exclusively a wild mode player since day 1.
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Great changes and 14k dust, couldnât be happier with Hearthstone in 2024.
Very sad theyâve killed the Chaotic Tendrils deck in Standard. Iâve been enjoying playing Chaotic Tendrils Rogue, but this change to Sunset Volley just kills the whole deck. Was it really that strong that it needed this nerf?
Do the devs even play the game ?
Reno was buffed, the cost nerf only matters in some matchups where you need to play it on turn 8 so you wont die, otherwise itâs like a fart in a hurricane.
Removing the play condition for Brann / Reno just killed a whole counter archtype.The effects will be seen in the next weeks, and i do believe itâs really bad for HS gameplay.
Zarimi Priest has many itterations and the nerf will affect only the agro ones heavily whilst the combos that kill later, turn 8-9+ are still gonna OTK without any problem other than adding 3 more dragons. The change is pretty much useless in the big picture imo.
Wheel of Death nerfed for 1 more turn is a welcomed addition but its pretty hard to benefit from that 1 turn unless you have the exact cards needed, most of the times decks cand deal with the double 15/15 that come out along the wheel (do consider other impediments like Doomkin etc.)
I donât play wild so i canât say anything but this patch feels like it took player agency and smashed a hammer into itâs head, following with a napkin after.
What i donât get is why tendrils donât cast the 10 mana cost mage spell, the legendary one. I mean why they cast the Scourge and not Galactic Projection?
I like how people complain about the brann/reno for warrior, when taking into account that all the somehow meta decks have been nerfed but there was not a single significant nerf to the all mighty meta slave deck: Token Hunter. In a game with 11 classes and so many potential match-ups in 15/20 games you encounter token hunter that run Saddle Up! at 3!!! mana and R.C Rampage at 4.
No extra dust for Snake Oil Seller⌠it generates Snake Oil as well⌠fix itâŚ
All badland highlander cards have been changed, not just reno.
On the contrary I think itâs a good thing to implement strong effects while making sure they wonât be abused.
How to make something more frustrating than an exodia combo ? Make it take 5 minutes to be performed.
Some cards are exlucded from random generation pools. Thatâs the case for the galactic projection orb, bounce around and climatic necrotic explosion
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Do you READ? You have to START the game with no duplicates in order to benefit from its effect
It shuffles into opponents deck so it was actually buffed.
Sure it limits what can go into a deck, but for the most part that change is a buff. Several of the highlander decks donât have very many duplicates making it easier to adjust. But now you canât shuffle cards into your opponentâs deck to turn off highlander decks
thats a buff it prevents you from being countered by plagues or tnts
Them killing Wild decks will only lead to the death of Wild.
+10220 dust. I like this patch.