28.4.1 Patch Notes

28.4.1 Patch Notes

Patch 28.4.1 brings balance updates to Hearthstone and Battlegrounds.

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You call it a Nerf, are you kidding people?

You will always have too much powercreep.

which card specifically

you forgot to write that bit

Lmao, I’m surprised, this is actually great, you guys did pretty well with these balance changes. Feels like the other half of the classes will have much more of a chance to compete now.

I think Herald of Nature misses the mark though, the problem wasn’t that it gave +1/2 (health didn’t really matter) but that it’s also a solid body for the cost further exacerbating when Druid dumps hand and gets ahead. I would have rather seen it keep +1/2 but make it a 4 mana, or keep the effect but make it a 2/2 or something. Oh well though. Cactus construct was a good nerf, never should have summoned a 1/2 copy so good job there.

I’m mostly laughing at the Pendant nerf though. Idk what they were thinking when they made it, lol. At least now the card is pretty dead. Garden grace nerf probably should have been a mana cost increase, or make it “no less than (1)” but I guess a slight nerf is better than nothing. Boogie nerf was definitely needed and mana cost is most effective way to curtail the effectiveness though it probably could have removed Holy tag as well but oh well, seems fine now.

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paladin not getting ataunt wall for 3 mana is a nice change

Aggro decks win against control decks, you don’t even realize how stupid your game is.

that still doesnt tell me which card change you are ranting about

So Thaddius is basically useless at this point.

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Damn, he joins the other thousands and thousands of useless cards? I guess it was his time

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didn’t nerf brann/boomboss deck?
who likes playing against deck that pops all of your cards

Nothing about Tickatus? Is the unintended effect going to be permanent lol

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I like the changes alot :slight_smile: i myself think this was the right change to velork i suggested this too because as a rogue player i was able to trade into 5 attack minions then breakdance and eithe remove it or reduce it so that my other minions can value trade into it.

Velorak is stil powerfull but now he feels more like a value and damage engine instead of board control as well.

The change to pendant is massive i think priest might stil use it it is more a lategame devensive tool now as the devs stated i like this too.

Warlock did get hit too and paladin i like that we have
alot of cards that cant go less then 1.

I feel all the problamatic decks and cards got hit i would have liked a nerf to sharpshooter but other then that this is a great a path,

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It really is a business for the mentally handicapped.

And duels is still disabled lmao

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Holy moly almost 10k dust. Love those nerfs.

not that much but almost half that ammount

cant remember who it was but whoever told me to never use the mass disenchant button years ago

So, when are the bots going to be enough of a problem to be sorted and dealt with? or are we at the levels of, “Theres more bots than players so if we ban them all, then our game value goes down?”

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Titus tribute was removed why?

When they stop being the solution.

Good to see they made sludges even MORE of a !@$$%ing problem. Thanks guys. Keep up the terrible work! Can you even see past your noses?