28.4 Known Issues

Tradeable cards still crashes the game when i try to trade them

Playing The Garden’s Grace on a Signature Kobold Miner will grant the +4/+4 and divine shield, though the divine shield is not visually displayed.

The high noon duelist is still bugged grants no progress on achievement even if you proc it’s deathrattle correctly pls fix.


Warlock hero Lord Godfrey is missing the fireworks on his new year greetings emote.

During a standard game, the opponent plays Sir Finley, the Intrepid and turns my minions into Murloc Tinyfin, and then when I attack with those murlocs, the game crashes. This happened twice today. And only when I attacked Murloc Tinyfin. It’s weird.

Snake Eyes hero power in battlegrounds still reads “Roll a 6-sided die.” instead of “Roll a 6-sided dice.”

“Die” is the correct singular. “Dice” is plural.

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My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

I was impacted by this bug as well.

The rewards were supposed to go out today. Some people got them, some didn’t. Let them know if you still didn’t:

No rewards yet. Leon#2251, Eu, restarted the client.
Wrote on the twitter post…

I’m unable to see divine shields at all - they still work, but the animation is completely gone - happens to me on iPhone and PC, its really annoying because you cant tell if the what minions have divine shield at all

Just trying to finish some heroic solos. Dalaran Heist/Kirin Tor Citadel. I’m getting Commander Bolan more and more frequently in the last week. He never gives a quest, just summons his minions and beats the crap out of me. Quickly.