26.6.1 Patch Notes

Patch 26.6.1 is a server-side hotfix rolling out now with the following game updates and bug fixes:

Battlegrounds Armor Updates

The following heroes now have more Armor:

  • Heistbaron Togwaggle has 13 Armor.
  • Captain Hooktusk has 13 Armor at higher ranks, still has 15 at lower ranks.
  • Edwin VanCleef and Tavish Stormpike have 15 Armor.
  • Illidan Stormrage has 17 Armor.
  • Kurtrus Ashfallen and Tess Greymane have 18 Armor.

The following heroes now have less Armor:

  • Cariel Roame, E.T.C. Band Manager, and King Mukla have 5 Armor.
  • Inge, the Iron Hymn has 6 Armor.
  • Death Speaker Blackthorn and Ini Stormcoil have 7 Armor.
  • Dancin’ Deryl and Drek’Thar have 8 Armor.
  • Cap’n Hoggarr, The Great Akazamzarak, Queen Azshara, and Varden Dawngrasp have 10 Armor.
  • Millificent Manastorm has 10 Armor at higher levels and 5 Armor at lower levels.
  • Rakanishu has 12 Armor.
  • George the Fallen has 13 Armor.

Bug Fixes

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the “error starting your game” issue with decks that included both Prince Renathal and E.T.C., Band Manager.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where cans like Shifter Zerus would cycle through multiple transformations per turn.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Prison of Yogg-Saron did not show the opponent the spells it casts when triggered. Yogg-Saron’s hidden influences have been revealed.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a different bug where Secrets played by Prison of Yogg-Saron were revealed to the opponent. We have contained Yogg-Saron’s chaotic power.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where the “Follow the Money” quest updated in combat. With the bug fixed, the Quest has been returned to Sire Denathrius’s hero power pool.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where the buff from ALL Will Burn! persisted after a minion’s stats were set by an effect like Uther the Lightbringer’s.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a visual bug where an enemy Smogger’s effect would not appear to trigger when triggered in combat by Rylak Metalhead.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a visual bug where Flourishing Frostling would appear as having 0 Attack in the shop or when first spawned.

Edit: Cap’n Hoggarr lost Armor compared to his last Armor level, not gained Armor. The new value is 10, as noted, but he’s been moved to the correct section of the notes.