26.0 Patch Notes

I honestly had not noticed that the Paladin duels hero power bug was fixed. I’ve been avoiding duels because of the bug, and there was no major announcement. Just the word Resolved added to the line in the known issues post, which I had been checking regularly apparently almost up until it was fixed. I am glad that it was fixed and that I heard about it on this thread. Gonna go play some duels now

Quite a few changes made in duels, but none to DK, the most consistent class in the mode?


Just some quick comment about important stuff…

[Mercenaries] Fixed a bug where the Dat Ashbringer Treasure did not apply its buff to all levels.

Is that all you’ve got to say about broken treasures and equipment, including Mythic upgrades? For the love of cod (and cogs), of all those that are broken, must you truly have chosen arguably the least useful one (Ashbringer is mostly a PvP piece of gear for obvious reasons, where treasures aren’t a thing) and address it, even mentioning it in detail? Of course, you also promise this:

Misc. other bug fixes and game improvements.

Perhaps some of those upgrades that cost renown, but don’t actually work (there are multiple reports about these) are somewhere in there — however, it remains to be seen what you’ve actually done there… Many times before some fixes went undocumented, while those that were promised in patch notes weren’t actually implemented, so I am a bit cautious regarding what to expect.

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This needs to be replied to and reshared as much as possible.

Why bother when they know and are working on a fix?

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me encantan los desnerfeos a salvaje,como premio a ello no pienso gastar 1 euro en el juego

I still get the “There was an error starting your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again.” :confused:

Arcane mage its too much op now

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About one more matter…

[Progression] Fixed a bug where unlocking the Death Knight class automatically granted all Death Knight’s Golden Core set.

So, now you acknowledge that this was actually a bug and not a special ‘promotion’ (undocumented, perhaps, but still… Besides, what is actually documented properly in this game nowadays?), with the new class having been introduced?

I’ve been drawing parallels with some core Demon Hunter cards — apparently, their golden version have been granted immediately, even if Golden Core cards of any quality are not available for that class, which is the case for my collection. For example:


and a few others — I believe I have their Golden Core versions.

One more thing. As usually: if there’s something that grants something extra to players, no matter how small — shut it down immediately!!!11 However, if players have invested into something which hasn’t been working for a long time (notably, nonfunctional Mythic upgrades for a number of mercs and other bugged ones like Ysera, among others) — that can apparently wait indefinitely, eh?

PS Alright, checked it out in detail: apparently, the Golden Core cards for the Demon Hunter class that even I have correspond to golden Legacy cards, or, in particular, former Basic cards:


. I can’t immediately find the source, but I think owning a golden card is supposed to grant its corresponding golden Core version, too, so that’s might be what’s going on there (can anybody confirm it?), and that the DK Prologue used to award golden Core DK cards was indeed a bug (I remember how it surprised me back in the day).

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another patch, and another failed opportunity to remove the shameless pay to win from battlegrounds. hence yet another patch that hearthstone remains uninstalled and the wallet remains closed. have a nice day.

The Demon Seed and Soul Stealer will be eligible for full dust refunds for two weeks following Patch 26.0.
It’s Stealer of Souls.