26.0 Known Issues

What are you talking about?

Battle of the Bands card back is not in my collection! I got the tavern pass and got to level 4 but it’s not showing up.

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Asvedon is not triggering/copying certain spells, such as secrets. or the multi-turn spells.

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Hello, in addition to some diamond cards not carrying over with the core set update there are some golden cards missing too. If you own a copy before unlocking it for the class it does not show up. The only instant of this that I am aware of so far is Metamorphosis for demon hunter as it shows up in my wild collection but not my standard one.

Is friend of a friend achievement still bugged?

Hello, after the new patch, my card “Reno Jackson” suddenly disappeared. Why is the card not findable also there is no dust for it? Game says I should craft it? WT*? I had this card already before?

Reckoning (paladin card)

Cant craft this card at wild after it left core set.
is this card full removed from heartstone ?

Also maybe add to the wild packs all cards, which left core set?

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Hi i think there is a problem with rerolls when i choose to reroll the free golden cards i still have the golden uncraftable cards which means i didnt get the card i rerolled for.

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You don’t re-roll the golden uncraftable card. You re-roll the normal version you already had


I have a bug problem. I lost several non core cards through this problem. It seems that when searching the removed cards and having them on display while removing them from the deck, you don’t lose the cards. But when you simply remove them from the deck they are lost and can only be crafted again. These cards also show the tag “UNKNOWN”, “will be unlocked at level x”.


Mossy Horror was removed from my card collection. A card I bought with precious Arcane dust. No way to retrieve it after this update.

Also Kor’vas Bloodthorn.
Also Reckoning card just disapeared from the game.
Also Dire Frenzy …not sure why this card was removed since I don’t remember how I got these cards.

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After reinstalling the game in iPad (trying to get rid of constant crashes) I login and it considers me as new player. Looks like it is automatically choosing the wrong region. In PC all works fine. Any suggestion?

After the update, legendary cards disappeared, one for each character class. I go into the game and I corny in each deck in a free format lacks 1 or 2 cards, in most cases it was Brann, but such cards as Vanessa van Cleef and Ragnaros Servant of the Light disappeared, the cards also disappeared on other classes

Hi there,

I’m having trouble in Standard high Legend rank, where I keep encountering bots (AI). The pattern I notice is that I lose a game against a real player, then I play against a bot(if I win, I face a real player, if I loose i play a bot again, in this cycle. This is becoming very frustrating for me. Previously, I used to play against players of all skill levels including those ranked in the diamond tier, but now, because my mmr is low, I’m only facing bots.

I would rather wait longer in the matchmaking queue to play against real players instead of bots. It’s easy to identify the bots because they all play at the same pace, super fast, and have usernames like “DeadlyPants” without any displayed rank. Can you please advise me on how to avoid playing against bots and instead be matched with real players? Or if you can explain whats going on.

Best regards,

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I got battlegrounds pass XP for the Shaman achievement melomaniacal laughter. Instead of rewards track XP like you have gotten for every other standard XP achievement ever.

I’ve also had multiple wild legendary cards vanish from my collection in this same manner. I used all the dust I had to craft a couple and now I’m supposed to do it again?!

Sash of illusion from samuro in the merc mode in heartstone is bugged, the item does not appear in game, And samuro got nothing when you play him with this item equiped

This bug occur from many character.
The last item equiped is not showed inside the description of the designated character.

I’m trying to get the Deviate Delight card back in Hearthstone. You are supposed to use a special deck to enter the puzzle. I’m using this deck code:

###Castle Nathria Secret Achievement “???” Deck

However the deck I get is only 29/30 cards. The card Acidic Swamp Ooze is deemed Invalid. Probably since it is a Core 2021 card and it rotated out with the new core cards in Year of the wold 2023.
If I use a regular Acidic Swamp Ooze from my collection I get a regular Wild deck. So when I enter Ranked mode I do not get the puzzle but just a regular match.
Any chance the code will be updated so I can use a regular Ooze to enter the puzzle, I would really like that card back.

Activated Barbed nets is bugged on mobile.

If you target a minion first the hero becomes untargetable as a second target, and you lose the turn. Been like this since at least festivals release, specificslly ok mobile.

necrotic mortician does not work with staking a claim?? why?