26.0 - Huge nerf to Signature Golden Packs?

With Patch 26.0 it seems the following change has been made:

Signature legendary cards will also have duplicate protection and be able to be disenchanted for 1600 dust. When you already have all Signature cards, you will just receive a duplicate Signature card that can be disenchanted instead of a random Golden Legendary card.

Does this sound like a bad thing to anyone else? I would rather the random Golden Legendary. Sounds like a big nerf to Golden packs for those that want to collect all Golden Legendaries. Sure, you can choose what Legendary you want, but it won’t be Golden, and now you don’t get random Golden Legendaries, you need to spend 3,200 dust to craft one. Which means you need to unpack twice as many Signature cards.

Before, you had roughly a 15.1% chance at a Golden Legendary after getting all Signature cards, and another 5% chance to get a random Golden Legendary. Now you only have a 5% chance for a Golden Legendary and only 5% for a Signature card, which only gives you enough dust for a *non-*Golden Legendary of your choice.

Sure, it’s great if you want to disenchant Signatures to craft a legendary of your choice, but pretty awful if you buy enjoy buying Signature Golden packs to get Golden Legendary cards. Before, you could just disenchant the random Golden Legendary for 1,600 dust, too.

Because of this change, I don’t think I’ll buy as many this expansion, unless I’m misunderstanding something. Please revert this change!

I’d be fine with the change if every single legendary had a Signature version, but it really seems like I’ll have to buy at least twice as many packs to get all Golden Legendaries for the expansion.

The fix is simple: Allow Signature cards to be disenchanted as they currently are, but continue to give players random Golden Legendaries (which are worth the same in arcane dust as duplicate Signature Legendary cards).

Sounds like a whale problem. Probably should spend your money on something else.


It sure does seem like a bad deal for people it affects.

Ain’t that the truth

Edit: Oh, it’s worse than I thought.

Now instead of having a 21.1% chance for a Signature/Golden Legendary (5% for a Golden Legendary and 15.1% for a Signature Legendary), you only have a 5% chance for a Signature Legendary and a 5% chance for a Golden Legendary. So you gotta buy more than 2x as many card packs to get all the Golden Legendary cards.

KW is >>ALL meaning not likely ever happening unless you spent like 1400 dollars on packs.
It is a form of VERY deceptive marketing which was brought up the first time they pulled this deception.
Many TRIED to defend it claiming they KNEW and it was obvious but I did not know and when i searched MANY websites related to the game THEY DID NOT know either.

You see I KNOW what card duplication is and it does not carry any added deceptive terms but when trying to deceive people this is how the HS team words it with added terms like “having ALL”.

With the last expansion, you definitely didn’t need to spend $1,400 on packs to get all signature legendaries. With this expansion, you might! Not sure why they made them over 4x harder to get.

I mean it’s not that big of an issue. Signature cards are not easy to collect, and if you have them all, like Chiapet1337, it’s sound like a whale problem. I mean I spend a lot of money on this game and evnen I doubt I would ever have all the signature cards for a set. I’d probably have to sell everything I own and myself in order to get them all. Yes, the game is that expensive.

I mean if you have all the signature cards for a set and you get a duplicate one, Getting the Golden Legendary would have been better, but if your spending that much money on the game to get all the signature cards, than in all reality, you don’t care about cost. You probably will have more dust than you need to upgrade all your legendaires to golden versions with the amount of packs you would need to buy to get all the signature cards.

It was relatively cheap to earn all signature cards for a set last set, but the rate of Signatures is 33% of what it was last expansion :frowning:

There’s still a big difference between $400 per expansion and $1,300 per expansion!

idk the drop rate feels horrible. I opened 225 regular packs and 10 golden packs and didnt get a single signature rare card

I opened over 300 packs and I didn’t get a single signature card. And unfortunately while they have made huge improvements in how these cards look, the drop rate is abysmal.

Like I spend a lot on this game. However, even I will not spend the amount of money that it looks like it would take in order to start collecting them. It seems like you would need to spend 4 times the cost of a single expansion just to get them.

It feels like they have good intent, however, the hype they built around these cards does not match the cost required to obtain them. So… it will just be like mercenaries, another money grab that players will not be willing to empty their wallets for.

Opened around 160 normal and 32 golden packs. Not a single signature card. This is ridiculous.

They nerfed the drop rate for signature cards from golden packs???

It looks like they didn’t, but they actually did. This, if I understand correctly, is very sneaky :frowning:

Last updated 1 week ago:

  • [Signature Golden Expansion Set Packs Only] In Signature Golden Expansion Set packs, this chance is increased to 15.1% chance to get a Signature Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 14 packs from the previous Signature Legendary card drop

  • [Golden Expansion Set Packs Only] In Golden Expansion Set packs, this chance is increased to 5.0% chance to get a Signature Legendary card and guaranteed to get one within 40 packs from the previous Signature Legendary card drop

So, it depends on whether you are buying a “golden” pack or a “signature golden” pack.

They are not the same. The only expansion to feature “signature golden” packs is MLK, and these packs cost 500 gold.

All other expansions feature “golden” packs, at 400 gold each. You simply cannot buy “signature golden” packs of these cards.

So, for the MLK packs, you spend a bit extra, but you get a much better chance of getting a signature.

However, now that signature cards can be disenchanted, they don’t want to give away so much dust, so they have nerfed the drop rate.

If I’m wrong about this, please correct me, because as it is, its a stealth nerf to golden packs, and it sucks.

When the devs read that, they LAUGHED and then when they could breathe again they laughed some more… like in the sitcoms…

I mean do you think they made billions where everyone is happy with their cards? I mean how could that be…

If you were happy with your cards yu wouldnt buy new ones…

Games made billions of dollars… One thousand million… in every B…


Lets do the maths:
Because signature cards are uncraftable, all the duplicates you pull will not help you collect them. You need to pull ALL of them from packs.

MLK: “signature golden” packs drop signature cards at a rate of 15.1%.
13/ 0.151 = 86.09. So, you’re looking at approximately 86 golden packs to get them all.

You can buy 24 “signature golden” packs for £90 (my prices are in GBP), so 72 packs for £270, meaning you need approximately 14 more packs. That ignores any pre-order or limited time bundles, so better options may have been available. The remaining 14 packs are going to cost 7000 gold, which you can get from the rewards track. After opening 86 packs, you would have all the commons and rares, and approximately 17 epics, so you would need to open more packs, or craft them. Obviously you would have a fair amount of dust from all the duplicate golden cards you pulled.

So: ÂŁ270 plus whatever it costs to complete your (presumably golden) collection of epics. Plus more if you also want all the diamond cards as well.

There are only 10 signature legendaries this time around. 3 classes have a diamond card instead of a siggy.

So, to pull 10 siggies at 5%, you’re looking at approximately 200 “golden” packs, because “golden legendary” packs are not available. The £90 deal gets you 30 instead of 24 packs, so £560 will leave you approximately 20 packs short.

However, if you want the 3 diamond cards as well, you’re looking at getting those separately. Hedanis requires the tavern pass (£18), while Diamond ETC and Rin are £22.49 each, and each come with 3 “golden” packs. This leaves you about 14 packs short, but you can buy those with 5600 gold from the tavern pass.

So I make it ÂŁ623 for the full set of signature and diamond cards, and you may still need to craft some epics.

Having said all that, I’m not interested in spending that sort of money. I have been mostly F2P, but I have bought the tavern pass for MLK and FOL. I would like to own copies of every card, any rarity will do. I think I’m pretty much on course to do that.

i only bought the mega bundle. i dropped 14000 gold on packs