2.5k gold soon, which to buy?

opinions wanted.

I was saving up for the current mini-set, until Emerald Dream was announced.

Have to pick one until the Rewards Track resets and I get more.

Well, if you are planning to play a lot this month, you can get the miniset and get back to the same amount by completing quests on the way. You have time till the 25th of March to replenish your gold if you play almost daily.


What do you spend it on? I get like 15k each expansion just by playing BG’s a lot and rerolling quests. I barely play HS anymore, but I still buy 50-60 packs + minisets because there isnt anything worth spending the gold on.

Arena entries. 20 char min.

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F2p player here
I usually spend gold twice per expansion
1st I burn all my gold in current expansion packs
2nd buy the miniset once it comes out
After buying the miniset I just save gold till next expansion, rinse and repeat
Worked perfectly for me so far

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As for me, i save the gold and 'll spend all for arena as soon as the expansion is released

As a free2play player I did almoast the same, spent gold only once per expansion tough… Until Titans released… THAT was the point where I stopped spending all my gold when a new expansion came out because I didn’t find the game worthy for my gold either anymore… not even dream about my money… lol. Since that I am absolutely alright with my 25 K gold and 45 K dust because I play only 1 class. Nerfs are bringing dust nicely because of the incompetent design team. Not even dusting my extra copies anymore. Thats how managed to dust 5 pcs of Oracle when nerfed… not much because of common… but much more than just 2. Purchased tavern pass only once since I play. Have fun and peace.

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Buy Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set for 2500 Gold.
Reroll any duplicates.

Buying Mini-Sets should be higher priority, they are one of the most profitable purchases for Gold in game.
Save gold for them.

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thanks all…well almost all :stuck_out_tongue:


Get the Starcraft Miniset. Much of it sees play and when the Standard rotation comes, its playrate will go up even more. Most of Standard runs something from this set currently.

Wait a couple of weeks or so once the new expansion settles so you can get the Legendaries you want from dust and know which ones are worthless so you can dust them.

Another thing.
Most likely many cards from this Mini-Set will be nerfed with time.
So you will have Full Dust Refund.