24.6 Patch Notes

When will they fix it? BIG design bug when the player has infinite dmg, or infinite turns. Simple EVERY trash cards/deck where enemy win with 0 board in ONE turn WITHOUT any chance react?

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hello, le patch toujours pas dispo sur Android mobile, normal ?

Finished twice top 4, none Battle Bash rewards, another patch, another lie !!!

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ya quelqu’un pour répondre à la question ? quid de la maj sur mobile android ?

So you introduce a minion designed pretty much specifically to counter taregcosa, then buff tarecgosa so that the minion doesn’t permanently impact it? Bravo… whitemane positioning should be tactical, not just a complete guess every time you get matched against dragons.

Zero changes to poison murlocs? Unreal. Remove toxfin already. George should never be a hero choice when murlocs are in.

You have to buy Battle Bash Pass to Unlock This!

So you have to buy the pass to unlock the hammers? They should put that notice in the game. Way it reads, you get a hammer after every top 4 finish.

Is there other ways to convert excessive coins into renown except everything at once? Does it mean there will be no other uses for it, like buying portraits or something?

Where is change for warlock, Blizzard? He needs a nerf! Curse cards are broken, do something already!

Hey guys! Does anyone have a problem with the new Battle Bash Attack Animation? I recived it and it doesen’t work…

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Did you equip it?

Yes… i equiped it, rr’ed the game and still don’t work.

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Yep, just tried. Doesn’t work for me too.

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Please adress the wild quest mages issue we really could use a nerf on Grey Sage Parrot => Repeat the last spell you casted that costs 6 or more.

Infinite turns on turn 5-6 is zero fun and zero interction possible vs quest mages.

A thank you from us competitive wild players when this needed change is made.

Same for me and looks dont see it the problem for now.

幹你娘白癡遊戲,常常刻意天譴局 勝率80%被打15滴血。

Hola, he tenido problemas con las misiones de evento, solo puedo cumplir las diarias no la otra, alguien sabe que pasa.

Не могу зайти в боевой разнос, нету кнопки

Is Raven removed from battleground? I can’t find it every game I played today.

Better revamp/buff some of the Deathknight hero cards. Compared to new Hero cards like Guff & pals, the old Hero cards are terribly underpowered. Not even new tech cards will help.
Only viable Deathknight will be Hunter & maybe Mage…