24.4.3 patch notes are out

This might even increase Theotar’s playrate. Now he can be included in Vanndar decks as well


I’d say I was afraid of them waiting that long, but I can genuinely see them leaving denathrius alone until rotation

Theotar isn’t a problem because of his battlecry, as much as because he is too weavable into every deck. A 4 mana 3/3 (1 mana and 1 stat for the effect) is very different than a 5 mana 3/3.

Theotar can exist. His effect can’t simply come too early/ be so little tempo loss

When the heck does this patch go live? :thinking:

Restart your client. Live for me about 6 mins ago

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Thank you kindly. Updating now. :slight_smile:

Edit: It seems stuck on “Initializing”…

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"They really dislike people who like to play past turn 5? ":joy:

lol Yep imp Worlock…that hard to play {ironic} monster not even touched.

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In a 30 card aggroish deck he might not find room anymore? So far at 4 mana you could use him to hopefully prevent an earlier strong turn by the opponent, not exactly their turn 10 win con but enough to overpower him.

In the aggroish decks he was already not helping you win more than lose. People just used him anyway.

If you look at HSREPLAY.

The bottom. Where they show the real time most played Top 10 cards.

Theotar is there. Now, post nerf. Denathrius is not.

Denathrius might be in a lot of decks. But he doesn’t actually get the chance to get played that often (that often meaning Top 10).

Funny thing about that.

Zilliax, in the day, was number 1.
All. The. Time.
By close to, if not more than, double the number of plays last 5 mins than the next card.
As a legendary!

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Above Theotar is School Teacher.

Clearly we’re running into bias here. The bias against cards that kill the opponent.

Otherwise people would be complaining about School Teacher.

I’m surprised about Renathal being up there in top played, higher than Theotar. I never keep Renathal in mulligan.


There’s the rub. Maybe MAYBE Rogue will get some secret support in the next expansion, but I’m guessing not.

flurgle nerf why?

I still remember “good” players making fun of me for saying flurgle was pretty decent.

All these small random bg nerfs i dont understand why. 5 is to much for flurgle and that 3-4 armor you get in return doesnt compensate.

Truth everything else just needed buffs if u ask me.

Sure, when your deck get’s roflstomped by turn 8, it rarely happens.
:postal_horn: :dog2: :dog2: :dog2:

Got me!

I need to up my game. Getting stomped by turn 8 is a me problem.

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HSR restarted their statistics for patch 24.4.3


Any big difference between the Bronze-Gold and Diamond/Legend numbers?

P.S. Corrected the Thread title from 2.4.3 to 24.4.3

My bad Marco. When I said play rate, I meant in % of decks. I worded it play rate as in how often he is placed in a deck and played with, not actual played on the board.

The reason I said it’s weird they are looking at Theo and not Denathrius is because Hearthstone patch notes mentioned Renethal (which is obviously a glimpse and % decks he’s in and NOT play rate).

So I guess my original statement should be amended to “If they’re so concerned about popularity of a card (like they say they are worried about in their patch notes), then why ignore Denathrius?”

They say play rate in their notes but then they mention Renethal. So I’m not sure if they really meant play rate or if they meant played in % decks rate.

You confused “play rate” with “deck inclusion”.

That’s not a Blizzard problem.