24.4 makes me want to quit more

Probably no one remembers my post about a month ago where I was at my wit’s end with this game. Battlegrounds was broken. Had been impossible to get to 6000 rating. Priests have had OP cards in wild for at least 3 years.

Priests are still OP as hell. Basically they’re as OP as the Demon Seed quest, but does Blizz nerf them like they have other things that they realized they shouldn’t have given to other classes?

Battlegrounds is still broken.

Now 24.4 releases and mind you I haven’t even leveled out all my mercs, but they added 10 more? Oh and they are showing that you can buy 4 of them for $65. Really irritates me that I even let myself get sucked in and spent like 200-300 on getting the first 90 or so mercs if they were just going to keep making it ever more impossible to do it all. Getting like WoW where you can keep collecting mounts, pets, etc. and they never let you feel like you could ever actually collect them all.

And battlegrounds costs $15 to play fully now.

Honestly this makes me want to quit more. It’s getting to the point to play this game fully and buy everything would cost $2000-3000 a year.

And the last straw. The game has little bugs that don’t seem to get fixed anymore. The game as far as I recall didn’t have lots of little issues years ago.


Wild is chaotic. they’ve said before that they never intended to focus on balancing the format.

Battlegrounds are screwed up right now with the addition of BG quests and Rewards Track quests. $15 to have 4 choices is bad. But, since my MMR is absolutely meaningless, I’ll concede any match I get a trash choice and find a new one. I’m still under 5k because I just don’t care.

Mercenaries is a poorly made Gacha game. No real endgame. A constant cycle of grinding to upgrade to grind some more. They’ll keep adding more Mercs and Bounties that inevitably go nowhere. And you can spend real money to bypass a lot of the grinding. Hard Pass.

Just wait. They added golden packs to the shop and opened the floodgates on mini sets. They are hardcore blatantly spitting in the face of every person unhappy with the Runestone changes. There are even more things to buy now than ever before. And it proves they were fos about providing Runestone pricing balances. Still gotta buy more than you need, or multiple RS purchases, to buy a lot of the content now.

This is the standard for Activizzard. They have a tendency to put out games with obvious bugs and then spend years feigning ignorance about how to fix them.

~18yrs playing WoW. Happened all the time.

~7yrs playing D3. Always something. Heavily neglected game.

~7yrs playing HotS. Hospitalized during Alpha. Started in Beta. Went live like a lead rock. Full of reported bugs and errors. They were too busy with the tournament/Worlds champ scene to be bothered during Beta. The game had multiple world champs before leaving beta. It’s a ghost town these days.

You can look at the SC franchise, Overwatch, and the rest of the Diablo games to see what I mean. Look at their catalog and show me one time they didn’t follow the same pattern.

With the impending transition to Microsoft, I think most of the devs are just phoning it in at this point, as they expect to be fired upon their first performance evaluation from MS.

Now I barely play HS, rarely touch D3 and the rest have all been uninstalled for some time now. Things like WoW have outgrown the sub format. I’m no longer willing to pay them for access to content I’ve already purchased. I came out-of-pocket for everything up through Shadowlands with an active sub for nearly 18yrs. I have a ton of gold that I could use to pay for game time but won’t.


Upon Mercenaries release, I grinded around 6 hours a day for a month, which made it clear that most F2P players were not likely to field more than one of best PVP comps with maxed stats, before new Mercs and comps started everything thing over.

Frankly, while trying to keep up, a player could easily spend more money on Mercanaries than they used to spend on Standard for a mode that is even less rewarding to play after the newness wears off.

Even people who spend a lot to have best options and diversity that P2P can offer still have a lot of grinding to do to max out their heroes for a mode that has PVE that is less fun than dungeon crawl games from 20+ years ago, and the PvP gets repetitive and boring pretty quickly.

Mercenaries is the greediest mode in Hearthstone and it provides the poorest return for time spent playing it. I wish I had abandoned the mode much sooner than I did.


Never spent any money on Mercs, but I’d gladly take back all the gold I spent on packs. I started day 1 before they nerfed leveling and the Mysterious Stranger nodes. Tons of gold on packs and now they are collecting dust because I just don’t care about the mode at all.

There’s no sense of progression. Just a sense of knowing it wants my wallet. Bounties are yawn. The PvP is garbage. The solo content is grind, grind and more grind. Every time you feel like you’re starting to catch up, they shove a bunch more Mercs and whatnot into the mix.

Rectangles vs Rectangles with no endgame. It’s Paper vs Paper. They forgot Rock and Scissors.


if you mean EVERYTHING yes. but i buy nothing with money and i craft every card of the set that are meta every expansion with just playtime. i do play ALOT THO. but yah that dont include cosmetics which to me are useless af

Im nearly completely f2p and just broke 6k on BG. The lobbies get tougher the higher MMR you have.

for BG, i’m pretty much F2P as well and 6000+ mmr is harder as hell and drives me crazy that I can’t get the cards I need once I hit tier 5 but everyone else can.

I think they need to redo MMR in battlegrounds to make it more enjoyable the higher the MMR you are. Not sure how but maybe only play the players that around + or - 100 of your MMR. not someone who is 6800 and your at 6000.

I think a lot of their profit comes from sunk cost fallacy people like myself, and I think their greed helps to counteract sunk cost fallacy. I know I haven’t spent money in awhile. I believe I pre-ordered last expansion? I used to pre-order every time, buy the tavern pass, and buy the BG pass.

It’s not satisfying to spend money on something that’s clearly predatory. It makes me fall out of love with the characters and it makes the whole thing feel a lot less exciting.

I’m not breaking open my wallet to feel like I got ripped off and feel stupid for spending my money on this. Blizzard got money from me in the past because they would NEVER stoop to this level (I thought), and they’ve created some of the greatest games. It’s hard to take anything they do seriously any more because of how obviously overpriced everything is. Even when they do in-game events, etc., they try and get you to spend like 25 dollars on it. It’s so dumb now.

if 24.4 made you quit almost a year ago…why are you even posting about it now ?