24.2 Known Issues

Journal notification can still not be dismissed after today’s patch. I can’t play until my OCD goes away.

Hello, you have released the latest update in Hearthstone, in which you changed the map “Magister Varden” (It was - The hero’s power deals 2 damage. Honorable victory: +2. It became - The hero’s power deals 2 damage. Honorable victory: +1).
Due to the correction of this card, it became impossible to complete the following:
Mode → Adventure → Book of Mercenaries → Onyxia of the Abyss → Puzzle 8/8 Battle for Azeroth.


I want to report a bug in the Book of Mercenaries 8th puzzle against Onyxia. I believe Dawngrasps hero power is supposed deal two damage and the honorable kills increases the damage by two for each honorable kill. However, my version has the honorable kill increasing the damage by only one, making the puzzle impossible to now solve. Please help. (basically echoing the post above me)


How do you complete the Onyxia of the Void 8/8 challenge, now that Arcane Burst only goes up by 1, instead of 2?



If you get the mission which can gather the clone of the card you discover, and choose an Darkmoon Prize which discover the last opponents, the clone card will take you 3 gold. Please fix it.

When playing darius in duels, potion of sparking doesn’t apply any damage.

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So as I mentioned on my Twitter, Sire Denathrius’ infuse can overwrite the Immolate status.

Yes, came here to post the same thing :slight_smile:

How do you complete the Onyxia of the Void 8/8 challenge, now that Arcane Burst only goes up by 1, instead of 2?

Are Bru’kan, Tavish, Sir Finley, and Master Nguyen heroes still disabled?

Just had the same problem playing in Duels as Stelina - the sparks were appearing but not doing any damage!

I was playing with Tickatus, completed the Secret Sinstone quest and then when it comes to the third moonprize I choose the “change your hero power” and there I had two irremovable “cards” in my hands with the description of two heroic powers.

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The “Magic Guardian Elise” Hero Skin phrases are still in English in the “Latin Spanish” version of the game, I would like to know when it will receive an update in its language and will have its phrases in Latin Spanish.

I just stole a buffed Neptulon from a handbuff paladin with Theotar, and this Neptulon had 0 health (I have a screencap). It died when I played it.
And all I got was this lousy achievement.

Adventure achievements Restless Reader and Efficient Octo Sought aren’t working as intended. The first can’t be completed, the second one apparently could be completed early on, but no longer.

Same thing, sparks but NO damage.

Hello, I’m unhappy with the bag I have experienced for almost more than 1 week in Battlegrounds, 5 minutes ago I played on the hero and was 1th place and ± full hp, the game disconnected and then I tried to reconnect to the game, after then showed a menu, which is not supposed to be, and the game placed me 7th when I was 30 seconds before full hp and won a fight. This is not a first time, I don’t know why I should have experience like this a game I playing every day.

I am not able to log into Hearthstone on Mobile. The game has been uninstalled and reinstalled twice. Issue is on Android. Credentials and 2FA are confirmed and correct. Issue happens on WiFi and cell data. Game launches just fine on PC. Can I get some help with this? BlizzardCS on Twitter directed me here. Samsung S21+.

Darius Crowley Duel Deck run has been having issues with cannons and potion of sparking. I’ve had 2 runs where I failed miserably because the cannons fired incorrectly and the potion of sparking activated the effect but did no damage. Please refund arena tickets and continue working to fix. I’ve seen updates on both these issues but it’s been occurring since the launch of Darius and still hasn’t been fixed as of 9/13/22. My account is Saressa #1809 Thanks

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Good afternoon! encountered some difficulties: when you try to enter the add-on “black mountain” (normal mode), the download starts, which does not stop. I will be grateful for a prompt reply

I just had the same with Master Nyugen. Hand full of unusable cards. Because of Secret Sinstone. I do understand that “some” of the hero powers can be used twice then, but I am not even sure that this is expected behaviour

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