24.2 Known Issues

Hi i have tweeted hearthstone with screen shots of the rope burn bug as the pattern i have seen is turn 4 everytime just incase it helps you with troubleshooting

Just noting that this Sir Finley Mercenaries bug is still present after the 24.2 patch:

Playing Reno the Relicologist blocks your entire screen and forces you to restart the game, has been happening ~8/10 times


Just got perma-disconnected from a battlegrounds match. Playing on iOS as blackthorn

Druid Achievement Flower Power is not working, I used the card on turn 6 and 7, summoning a 10 cost minion and casting a 10 cost spell, but the achievement didā€™t trigger.

It seems like imps summoned from Imp Gang Boss donā€™t count towards Vile Library location buff. These 1/1 imps are from Black Rock expansion, so they differ from 1/1 imps from Fiendish Circle for example.
I had multiple games where I didnā€™t get additional +1/+1 when that imp is in the board.


Same for me, after 2 games 0 MMR

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I second this, Iā€™ve also purchased the pass included in the mega bundle preorder. Fix or refund.

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Not sure is it intended to work in a way it works.

  1. In Battlegrounds get the Victims Specter reward.

  2. Let your 2/2 Microbot (from golden Omega Buster) die last in a battle.

If you play that 2/2 Microbot, youā€™ll get Triple Reward. Wanted to include links to the cards but iā€™m not allowed to, so, it is what it is.

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Second this, Imp Gang Boss is broken. Hope there is a fix asap.

So just had a game where buying triples wouldnā€™t actually ā€œtriple the minionā€

Was playing as Brann, board was :
Golden Picky Eater, Nightmare Amalgam, Golden Legion Overseer, Golden Mind Muck, Amber Guardian, Golden Brann, Mantid queen.

from what it seems, it was that minions that were bought from the shop were not trippling with minions generated from sources (murozond, reef explorer, tavern tempest) possibly due to the golden overseer aura effect? Minions would still show the triple animation and bartender voiceline would trigger, but nothing would happen when the minion was bought.

Wish I had screenshot it but had cases where I had an amalgam on board and two more in hand, and a couple of other minions which I tried to triple by buying the third minion after generating a pair from murozond.

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Can you please fix Imp Warlock ? I play my Vile Library and Impending catastrophe and it gets no value.

Hello. I bought the Expansion Track Pass, but the values Iā€™m seeing for experience gained are the base experience without the 20% bonus that I am supposed to receive. Could someone please help me look into this?

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The tavern pass rewards track reset to level 2 after reaching level 50, did not provide level 50 reward

The Stealth quest doesnā€™t work all the time - give your right most minion Stealth. I had a Baron who got the stealth, but a Zap still took it out first hit. Isnā€™t that the point of Stealth? So stuff like Baron canā€™t be sniped? Or am I just dead wrong?

Malygosā€™s ability in Battlegrounds does NOT replace your minion with one equal to your tier. Multiple times I got level 1 and 2 minions when I was tier 4.

Sinfuelled Golem no longer keeps its infused stats after being silenced, this changed in 24.2 but was not reported so I assume is a bug, other infused cards donā€™t have this problem.

I dont know if it was mentioned or not, but if i am on battleground menu and afk for around 2 to 3 minutes the game will close by it self, i tried to go afk on other menus to check if that happen anywhere else but it didnt and it will go all the way to say disconnected after a long time, but if i am in battleground menu it closes after 2 or 3 minutes.

Thanks in advance

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I noticed after patch, a worthless currency system from HoTS seemed to have been added into the game. Is there any way this could get removed by hotfix A.S.A.P.? Itā€™s already having a huge negative impact on the game post patch.


Every time Reno the Relicologist is been played it causes screen glitch. Im including video evidence