24.2 Known Issues

Just got Murder at Castle Nathria Tavern Pass but all the rewards still active after been claim

The issue happens with heroes other than the mentioned here. I can’t recall the first hero I was playing with when the issue happened but it’s not one of the mentioned above. The second time it happened when I was trying to find a game. Both times it gets stuck on “trying to reconnect” for a while and then fails. On the second time though, it reconnected but still got stuck on “resuming” and the game chose Vanndar for me (I knew from the stats screen).

BG crash just now with none of the heroes mentioned in the update - this is much wider than just them. This is two games in a row now - and it does not count my activity towards the quests (mechs played etc.) so no point trying to play at present

Same here on mobile, didnt check on pc

“Soon” like before the end if the week, right :eyes:

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Got disconnected from BG’s around turn 6 or 7 while playing Ambassador Faelin. I do not remember who I was going to fight next. My board was set to the new Crystallarium Arium and using the new Crystal Justice rare strike.

I was not able to reconnected. The game waited and waited for about 15-20 mins before it allowed me back to the main hearthstone area.

I just played a game and i tried to buff my imps with Vile Library and they didn’t get their whole buff. After this, my Imp King Rafaam didn’t buff the same minion but he buffed the rest he ressurected. My Rafam was infused of course and i had imps so my vile library will buff some.


It’s a feature.
Rip your gold or/ REAL MONEY

I am new hs account (few hours ago) and after tutorial standard quests i have no more quests. No weekly quests and no daily

I’m having problems with disconnects outside of battlegrounds. I just played ladder and the game went into infinite animation and when I tried to restart the game it just wouldn’t connect or let me do anything else. Not the first time this has happened to me.

Hoped I’d see some Warlocks adressing the fact Imp archetype is just unplayable. Librarian gets 0 attack power from imps, the location does not buff correctly, Rafaam also. I’ve lost so many ranked games this morning because of these glitches. Hope to see some compensation whatsoever, or just an apology, given the serious issue.


other known issues. y’shaarj requirements not changed. IDK if cariel’s voicelines have been restored to her book of mercenaries volume and if the final piece for alterac valley secret levels has not been fixed yet, i still need to complete cariel’s maze for that card back.
also, a system to use maxed mercs excess coins most of my early mercenaries have coins in the mid -thousand spots

I got a bug, I’d say with my last match on battleground that isn’t report here,
so hearthstone team may have to check if it is fixable.
I saw that similar bug in one of streamer dog video on youtube, just before, it was that sometime when you get 3 of the same card it turns gold, but doesn’t display, while this time I had 5 charlga, the 6 star minion 4/4 that give a blood gem at end of turn, but none turn gold or had the effect of being gold while being standard and I have the feeling, maybe too much was display at the same time, cause I had two blood gem from another unit, I had the quest that give in hand the last minion that died and I was playing tess, so I was using her power to get the charlga from my last opponent, so I had them in hand, it didn’t turn gold, then I put them on battlefield to check if it is because it was in hand, but no. I wonder since there was a maximum of 7 tier 6 minions, I wonder if I had reach the cap and that’s why it was bugging there.

Same for me. I played like 4games and still 0

game closes, from menu screen after experiencing some idle time. never had this occur before

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Game test = 0
Activision-Bli$$ard next time maybe test more than payment gateway… :money_mouth_face:


The battlegrounds disconnect issue seems to happen when the next combat ends the players match. I don’t know if that helps, but that seems to be the case based on my experience of playing battlegrounds since launch.

It just happened to me last game, I was tied for first, and I’ve been trying to reconnect for 30 minutes. I also think there’s a chance I won’t get credit for the game because of the disconnect.

Update: after restarting my Android 12 phone, I was able to reconnect. As I suspected, my last game didn’t register and it also reset my rating to zero.

Blizzard is embarrassingly stupid. Every patch they act like they can’t help this nonsense. WAY too many things breaking every patch involving existing code that shouldn’t be involved in any way. And they specifically release a character in bg which whole thing is that it uses 2 quests, and it flatly doesn’t work. I’m supposed to believe the clowns had it working at any point? Bc they brainlessly released it broken and unworking. What would you expect from a company that thought naga mage was too powerful and removed that deck via nerf after a month of existence. Blizzard=so bad


I just had a game in Battlegrounds where I was disconnected and could not reconnect to my game as Lady Vasjh with the wheel of yogg quest done. What makes me more upset is that it was going to be my first spicy mustard pretzel game. Yet again, yanked from me :frowning:


I just played a game of Battlegrounds and I was disconnected, forcing me to restart the client but I was unable to enter. I was playing with Sire Denathrius. EU server.