24.0.3 Patch Notes

This is a joke right? Vile Library is still a ridiculous card for the cost and is still an instant include and instant win for Imp Lock. It makes literally no difference to the win condition of the deck besides -1 damage -1 health but instead of a 5/4 flame imp its a 4/3 flame imp or fiendish circle still provides free +4/+4 stats and creates any existing imp still into a 7/7 or 8/8. What does this nerf even hope to achieve?

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Agree very much.

It is mandatory to detail all changelog in the patch notes.
Duel always has only several lines (compare it with battleground changelog), but actually there are many things that have been changed.

So on one hand I do think this patch gives some nice buffs where they are needed, and some nerfs where they are needed as well. Many people complain however “where’s guff? where’s denathrius? nerf them!” and I feel like this patch will grant this wish in a monkey’s paw sort of way.
So what was changed in druid, is celestial and while this is a change, in truth it’s a nerf and also a message. The message simply reads “druid is the best slow deck, if your deck isn’t aggro just concede” as they removed the symmetric effect that gave some benefit to big decks facing druid. However despite celestial being a do nothing, symmetric effect, it actually was able to hit aggro decks pretty hard, which have unprecedented amounts of draw, and as such want to spam cards on unprecedented levels, which celestial is able to stop them from doing.
In other news the most despised aggro deck didn’t get the nerf people wanted, and the dh aggro deck which was a bit too weak got some huge buffs.
All these together scream to me that the “solution” blizzard came up to “nerf” druid was to make druid a bit weaker against aggro, and make aggro decks stronger / leave them in an op state.
As a sidenote, the slight nerfs to implock do make it more possible to run theothar so I guess that’s also a slight nerf.

On a different note, battlegrounds grease bot. Funny joke you played there blizzard. The card got removed for being busted, leaving an entire archetype without a late game plan, now after a month of said archetype being crippled they unveil the masterful nerf which they worked on for a month, and it barely changes anything.

4 Games this morning all against Necromancer and Imps. Equal what class I Play I die at 6 to 7. This is worse imho.

worst brainless patch i ever seen

vancleef buff? 3 cost vancleef? r u kidding?

huh what about buff the guff? lets see 4 cost guff :wink:

At Blizzard weed is super good.
So, I opened this website to read the patch notes about the nerfs and sure to see something in regards to Denathrius and Theotar
 and? Nothing!

@blizzard. Why do you promote luckyness rather than skill in this game? To gather more kids or beginners? They would not enjoy it after a week.

Brann+Dena is just ridiculus, how can you allow that?

This is a go face meta, no chances for players who loves to play control or combo decks.

I hope this will get fixed in very short time or this time, goodbye. Previous meta, before this shamed expansion, was super good.

Think about it.

So the just throw cannon fodder on board and then 3 hit combo is still a thing? HS right now is about you either steal their combo piece with your 4 cost leg or they steal yours.

The game asks to update version, but i Cannot find update in androids PlayStore yet.
Am i the onlt one having this issue? Or maybe it hasnt been put in store yet?

Shame there is no bug fix on the Deck of Chaos interaction with Infuse :frowning:

It slows the deck down slightly, which was the intent. Warlock has already dropped from first to third in the overall meta.

i only want pyroblast to be tradeable pls, thx in advance

You just answered your own question.

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Even better? Brann, Kael thas THEN the 0 mana denathrius.

This “game” is nothing but mana cheats now. I’ve been around since the gelbin mekatorque golden legendary was 2.99 in the shop. The game was fun back then. Now? Now its an exercise in frustration.


I’m Belgian so my English might be a bit broken, sorry for that :stuck_out_tongue:

Who I am?

I play hearthstone mostly for fun in wild and standard. I reached legend in wild like 2000 euw and started to play standard this season. I mostly play a Druid.

Why I post for the first time!

Well, after I read this thread about the patch and the patch and played games, I feel like some of the goals of the patch are missing. And some issues weren’t target by the patch. I’m only speaking in standard cause it’s the game mode I play mostly now.

Strength of the Warlock

For me the Vile Library wasn’t the card needed to be targeted. The Shady Bartender should have been focus by doing something like give +1 attack +2 HP. And the Impending catastrophe should have gotten a nerf like “You draw a card for each IMP but not for the first one” So if you have 3 IMP you draw 2 cards.

Or an alternative would be to nerf the card that summons IMP with one less for the Fiendish Circle and make it cost 2 mana.

Why this nerf ? I feel like the deck is really strong cause it’s a really fast deck that has a bit too much draw and a too fast spike if you don’t have clear early you die like turn 4 cause of the Shady Bartender.

Result the deck would stay strong, but not overpower like now with a 65% win rate in global.


My feeling about rogue are mixed cause if you nerf both of the point I’m going to make the class won’t see play but at the moment it’s really toxic.

The Sinstone Graveyard is a fun and good idea but the fact that the Ghost summon is Stealthed and than you combine that with Necrolord Draka. Like turn 4 you take 10 damage due to the weapon that Necrolord give and there is a Ghost stealthed that is 10 10. We can argue there that the game is lost next turn. It’s already hard to clear a 10 10 turn 4 or 5 but stealthed it’s impossible.

So for me the Ghost summon at lease shouldn’t be Stealthed cause it make it really frustrating to play against and would open counter play. And maybe make the weapon of Necrolord start at 0 damage.

Sire Denathrius & Renathal

I put these two card in the same point. The reason is i think Denathrius is strong cause Renathal . The fact that with these 40 hp and 40 card you can stall game is the reason of the power in Denathrius. Once you have Renathal in your deck you will play Denathrius Remove the hp part so Renathal just give your 40 card you will see Denathrius will be weaker and you won’t see Renathal Deck in almost every game.

For me Renathal killed a lot of fun in the game cause of the 40 hp a lot of OTK deck can’t be played cause you can’t deal this much. Some aggro deck are dead only the really really strong deck aggro can stay. But you can’t play OTK and a bit weaked aggro deck cause the omnipresence of Renathal.

I wonder if nerfing Renathal would have the effect I just said but if a nerf need to be done you can imagine 35 hp 35 card would be a good start.

Shaman, Hunter, Mage

They all have good deck that aren’t too strong i feel and shouldn’t be too much touch.


Pls help the Priest :joy:

It’s in a really weak state due to how fast game end. But if you make the quest easier to get, it’s going to feel unfair to other. To be honest I don’t know what do do for them.

If you have any feedback I would be happy to ear them don’t be too mean it’s a game after all :slight_smile:

I understand the hit to Celestial Alignment, but having it be only a boon for the opponent, the card shouldn’t cost 8 now. You made the card go from Over powered to trash. Also please buff priest.

most people hate OTK and blizz even made many statements saying they are against OTK too, the community always find a way to make it work but most ppl think OTK decks are cancer and should be killed on the spot! personally i believe anyone who love OTK was not loved enough as a child! this game is supposed to be interactive and have counters. there no counter to getting oneshotted. this is why everyone hate brann/kaelthas/denatrius combo atm! cause its cancer af and u cant do anything but use theotar to stop it

Imp Warlock nerf is a Joke! Chance nothing!

well it does change something lol -1 dmg per use of the library

Denathrius doesn’t need lifesteal removed. He needs the endless infusions to have a cap. You shouldn’t be able to simply play a minion and end a game.