24.0.3 Patch Notes

Unbelievable how much whinging you lot are doing and the patch hasnt even had time to change the meta yet.
Here is what i hear when i read the comments “boo hoo i m too inexperienced to play around said card, you need to nerf said card while buffing all my personal favorite cards cry cry etc etc”
Get good noobs

BG … You forgot one additional minion in the patch note.

Saw a 8/8 tier 6
gain an armor when you play an elemental for each elemental in play.

An old minion returning but forgot it’s name. (Ghor something like that)

if you dont understand that they skipped the biggest offenders i cant help you!!! you are beyond helping. everyone on this forum prob is legend. we know what we talking about lol. no one is asking to get their favorite cards buffed. we asking for the devs to finally do their job and fix the biggest offenders like guff and brann/denatrius, AND you talk about playing around things. how do you play around a turn 9 otk? when druid have all the tools in the game to make the game last this long! you are clueless and i feel sad for you! mental gymnastics at its finest lol


garr from molten core??

How’s Impending Catastrophe untouched? “2 mana draw cards until your hand is full”

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Corrected the text on two of Brightwing’s Mercenary Abilities.

Can anyone point out which other ability has been amended?

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First and foremost, the dust for any of the wild seed cards is not giving full refund.

Second, it’s weird to me what was nerfed and what wasn’t. Impending Catastrophe is a much higher offender to why Imp Warlock is pretty darn broken. It’s, except in rare cases when drawn when too decking after a board clear, at a minimum 2 mana draw 3-4 while quite often 2 mana draw 5-7. There are now 5 distinct, single card ways to put 3-7 into play many of which can immediately be followed up on with Catastrophe as early as turn 6. That’s nuts.

The shaman nerf makes sense, the hunter nerf makes some sense but it feels less important, and then the imp deck nerf shaved a single 1/1 off the effect? Mage didn’t get touched at all? Just weird.

Also Brann in Standard with Denathrius and Sinstrider feels like the developer team was trying to make this too much of a thing. Denathrius is a free legendary which makes things feel less bad I guess, but the guy is slotting into decks in standard, wild and duels all over the place as either an OTK target or just a value bonus win-con. When aggro decks and mid range decks are throwing in a 10 mana legend and there are multiple decks with either Guff or the Brann/Sinstrider thing looking to nuke the enemy for 20-80 life tapping damage that should be considered a warning sign. People complained about cards like cthun original and mecha as too guaranteed an OTK, but this guy feels even easier to OTK with than original cthun and definitely more value playable than mecha. A 10/10 for 10 with life steal that battle cries and wipes opponent’s board, pings their face a bit and gives you a Reno effect is pretty nuts even when he isn’t straight up OTK.

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Seriously? No Guff nerf!? Make it cost 10 mana or remove it!

Grey Sage Parrot 6 Mana 4/5 Battlecry : Repeat the last spell you’ve cast that costs (5) or more.

===> Grey Sage Parrot 6 Mana 4/5 Battlecry : Repeat the last spell you’ve cast that costs (6) or more.

Guff hero 5 mana => 6 mana
Neptulon Ban
=> Wild saved.

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I would argue the rogue nerf is more about wild.

You would have done better to nerf the frost mages in the duel mode, a real pain!

As soon as they have the ability “summon a 3/6 elemental at the end of the turn if you cast an ice spell”, the game is folded: freeze / elemental / control / freeze / elemental / control / freeze / elemental / control (x 595 turns) without being able to play on my side then victory for the ice mage.

Long live interactivity!

How did these idiots not address Prince Denathrius?

Overall, the nerfs hits the main targets and it’s nice to see some buffs for the underdogs. The hot topic is Wildheart Guff dodging the nerf bat. I can only assume these new changes were based on intense playtesting and perhaps Guff was OK to be left alone?
I appreciate the buffs for the underdogs. Hopefully, the fighter classes will see more play.

Can’t help but notice guff is banned in duels. While the change in itself is slightly welcome, it would have been nice to know this before chosing to pay entry and chosing druid.

It would be nice if this was mentioned in the patch notes… ._.


This is a joke right? Vile Library is still a ridiculous card for the cost and is still an instant include and instant win for Imp Lock. It makes literally no difference to the win condition of the deck besides -1 damage -1 health but instead of a 5/4 flame imp its a 4/3 flame imp or fiendish circle still provides free +4/+4 stats and creates any existing imp still into a 7/7 or 8/8. What does this nerf even hope to achieve?

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Agree very much.

It is mandatory to detail all changelog in the patch notes.
Duel always has only several lines (compare it with battleground changelog), but actually there are many things that have been changed.

So on one hand I do think this patch gives some nice buffs where they are needed, and some nerfs where they are needed as well. Many people complain however “where’s guff? where’s denathrius? nerf them!” and I feel like this patch will grant this wish in a monkey’s paw sort of way.
So what was changed in druid, is celestial and while this is a change, in truth it’s a nerf and also a message. The message simply reads “druid is the best slow deck, if your deck isn’t aggro just concede” as they removed the symmetric effect that gave some benefit to big decks facing druid. However despite celestial being a do nothing, symmetric effect, it actually was able to hit aggro decks pretty hard, which have unprecedented amounts of draw, and as such want to spam cards on unprecedented levels, which celestial is able to stop them from doing.
In other news the most despised aggro deck didn’t get the nerf people wanted, and the dh aggro deck which was a bit too weak got some huge buffs.
All these together scream to me that the “solution” blizzard came up to “nerf” druid was to make druid a bit weaker against aggro, and make aggro decks stronger / leave them in an op state.
As a sidenote, the slight nerfs to implock do make it more possible to run theothar so I guess that’s also a slight nerf.

On a different note, battlegrounds grease bot. Funny joke you played there blizzard. The card got removed for being busted, leaving an entire archetype without a late game plan, now after a month of said archetype being crippled they unveil the masterful nerf which they worked on for a month, and it barely changes anything.

4 Games this morning all against Necromancer and Imps. Equal what class I Play I die at 6 to 7. This is worse imho.

worst brainless patch i ever seen

vancleef buff? 3 cost vancleef? r u kidding?

huh what about buff the guff? lets see 4 cost guff :wink:

At Blizzard weed is super good.
So, I opened this website to read the patch notes about the nerfs and sure to see something in regards to Denathrius and Theotar… and? Nothing!

@blizzard. Why do you promote luckyness rather than skill in this game? To gather more kids or beginners? They would not enjoy it after a week.

Brann+Dena is just ridiculus, how can you allow that?

This is a go face meta, no chances for players who loves to play control or combo decks.

I hope this will get fixed in very short time or this time, goodbye. Previous meta, before this shamed expansion, was super good.

Think about it.