23.6 Patch Notes

Exactly, I even wrote the support and they told me they’re fixing it. It’s super frustrating, I’ve been playing Duells and Uldum for weeks only to unlock the cards and hero powers, yet zero progress.

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It will not be hard, George doesn’t have his full divine shield board until the late game in which case you’ll likely roll through multiple copies of the card. Ghoul leaving is absolutely fine just shut up and stop complaining

Select “wild,” then DONE.

Can you let us know at least a day ahead before arena changes? some people are in the middle of runs when you randomly make adjustments, or want to start a run and get their 2 free losses.

Also no DH Taverns of Time Class Cards? I know DH wasn’t around then, but that’s just mean for a class that’s already not doing so great in arena.

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I wonder how long it will take them to pin this patch and unpin the old one…

Any update on the duels hero power unlocks not tracking


I’ll repeat again, PLEASE SEPARATE THE " Bug Fixes and Game Improvements" SECTION BY GAMEMODE, or CLEARLY prefix them, or… it’s a complete mess lumping them all together.


Is it possible to make the “removed minions” in battleground section a link to the picture? I’m not native English speaker so don’t remember cards’ names, very difficult to copy/paste each name into Google. Thanks

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Hey pal, you are wrong. They remove ghoul but they add tunnel blaster which is a upgrade version of ghoul. Just that 3 dmg to all is a lot when pairing with baron.

Ah, that makes sense. I was so hung up on “Inappropriate” that basic grief just didn’t register

I see you backing up the excuse truck to make up for your lack of paying attention. There are 4 less copies of Tier 4 minions opposed to Tier 2. It’s not a huge deal… And hey, maybe you don’t always get to pop George’s shields and make his hero power useless… How about that, Captain Snidepants?

Why no fix to duels hero treasure? No progress on Elise or brann treasures? I have done everything I can to complete them or unlock them in solo campaign.


My progression is still locked duels.

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it is somewhat unbelievable that we’re actually getting in-game reporting tbh

and kinda embarrassing that hearthstone’s been around for almost a decade before hand

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better stock that sucker

Still mantid queen + leeroy in BG. just stick the entire mod up your a$$. not touching BG anymore till you fix it.

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Nah 100% in overwatch you got banned auto after enough reports I tested it with friends on a dummy account. We made a battle.net avcount got overwatch the reported my buddie for aim botting several time a group of us took us about 36-40reports. He was 100% not aim botting. Smurfing like a mofo though.

We also tried it for foul language with another brand new battle.net account and over watch funny thing that led to a temp ban faster than the aim botting report did.

Both accounts only recived temp bans. One was banned from chat if i recall other was a 3 day to week ban, I cant recall this was in 2018.

Hopefully they dont have the same system here.


Gotta test a new combo in Battlegrounds:

  • Drek’thar
  • Get an Evolving Chromawing early and make it’s attack as high as possible
  • Use the power on another minion (Hydra, Mantid Queen, Foe Reaper)
  • Use the new Kooky Chemist to swap the copied attack for health and potentially make it permanent (part that needs testing)
  • Use another Kooky Chemist to swap the health back to attack (if it’s permanent) on cards like Hydra or Foe Reaper, or keep it as health for Mantid Queen and watch a the world burn

In theory, as long as you keep the Chromawing and find more Kooky Chemists you can repeat this process infinitely (if swapping does make the stat permanent). Looks fun!

Illidan + Yrel + Tarecgosa + Waverider + Menagerie build, sounds fun

Any news on Mercs Speed Ties - Bug Report - Hearthstone Forums (blizzard.com)

Not tried yet but asking as it wasn’t mentioned in the changes, this is big enough that it would get its own entry if it was fixed rather than fall under various bug fixes

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