23.4 Patch Notes

Maiev doesn’t have her CDs and speeds shown, Queen Azshara has wrong max stats posted and Tyriel has no minion type.

BG is gonna be dead in half a year if you don’t do something quickly.

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Can you just make old adventures buyable with gold?

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Where is the free Tyrael Mercenary?


Mercs upgrade bug STILL in game, coins not spending and talents not upgrading, still have to close down client after every few upgrades

Yet another incomplete BG patch from your team of retards. Well done! The self sabotage is so obvious.

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Let’s bring back rag because nobody gives a f about Diablo immortal with the way you handled d2r. Seriously do the industry a favor and just quit

in the store didnt you claim it yet ?

maybe the fixed it or does it depend on the merc

i upgraded cariel and had no issues

106 packs got me all 16 new mercs (excludes Tyrael and Y’Shaarj obviously). I guess I’ll level them to 30, acquire their Task 2 / Heroic gear, and then wait for who knows how long until the coin system is updated. Beats farming all their tasks as I’ve got 70,000 excess coins sitting around.

On a side note, I’m enjoying the new miscellaneous achievements for Mercenary Mode. The solo adventure looks interesting too.


As Boreas mentioned, Tyrael can now be found in the shop. However, I, as you were, was equally curious where he was as it took about 30 minutes - 1 hour for him to be uploaded to the shop after the patch went live.


Task 4 (finish N’Zoth’s sidekick bounty) is bugged for me.
I finished it but it did not validate me the quest ;(
Thank you in advance for your help

This isn’t a client problem, since spending coins is like spending money all the transactions have to be confirmed. This means bottlenecks.

You will probably notice the problem doesn’t happen during off peak hours.

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I wanted to add Tyrael to my mercenaries Group but for some reason, it hanged

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Anybody else complete the questline and not get Y’shaarj ? I thought it was supposed to be 2 quests a day, but it gave me all of them days 1/2

The Y’Shaarj Event (10 Tasks total) is not released. It will come out Tuesday. You can then complete those Tasks (2 a day as you mentioned). I believe Y’Shaarj is acquired after completing Task #2 in the event. Other rewards, such as Y’Shaarj portraits, may be earned around Tasks 8-10.

You’re confusing the Y’Shaarj Event (unreleased) with the Main Storyline Tasks (released with Patch). There are many Main Storyline Tasks, one for each boss from every Zone. These Tasks progress one after the other until you’ve essentially reached the most recent boss that has a Task to complete its bounty.


I request to modify the Y’Shaarj event mission 9