Reno Jackson’s Dazzlin Flex ability does not carry on to next turn. The skill reads “Their next ability targets this Merc” yet it seems to be reset when turn ends. Opponent kept rooting my only attacking green unit w/ 0 speed Malfurion, ignoring Reno’s flex from previous turn, making his Chi’ji unkillable and single handedly losing the match. Blizzard™ Moment.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet/if someone else is also experiencing this, but I’m having huge problems in the merc group builder mode. I made a group, but it won’t let me click it (rename/delete), nor will it let me add mercs. Now I just have a slot with an empty group I can’t delete.
When I made a new group it was giving me the same problems again, but that one I was able to delete. I kept trying and eventually got a group together, but it’s definitely EXTREMELY buggy.
Anyone else have this issue?
Vanessa Vancleef task 14 still doesn’t work.
Mercenaries: treasure “all your team becomes pirates and gets +X to attack” breaks renewal ability of the Old Gods. They just don’t renew.
That’s not a bug, that’s working as intended since your mercenaries are no longer old gods, they are now pirates.
And the hits just keep coming
I truly doubt this the more time goes on.
I would just like to know they’ve read this and have been made aware there is an issue to be resolved. Seems I’m not the only one that has (in my case it’s still ongoing) had this issue before. Do they normally do so or no?
Been running into this for months while playing Duels on Android and just had it happen again. Enemy player takes an action that causes me to disconnect and I’m unable to take another action for the rest of the game. I can see the enemy player swinging at my face. This last disconnect occurred when I was hit with a Woecleaver.
I had a similar experience last night (on computer), was disconnecting every turn and as I recall Woecleaver was equipped by the enemy. I’d get back and the rope would be burning.
All the time. They have also lied for years about “improving communication.” Not just here, but in their other games too.
I also have heroic Queen Azshara oddly locked. Noticed it when going to do “You’re a Kid Now” for the Y’Shaarj series of tasks. The remaining 5 of the first 6 are unlocked properly.
That’s a bug, but you can fix it by doing heroic Fish of N’zoth, that will unlock it.
Ref Killamari gameplay achievement.
I’m having the same issues.
Playing a hunter deck in ranked standard.
With 10 elixir I lay Ozumat (for 8)
Then kill him in the same turn by casting
Urching Spines (1) – to turn spells Poisonous then
Wound Prey (1) – to do 1 “poison” damage to Ozumat to kill it.
The deathratte effect has killed 3 enemies in one game and 5 in another but neither has triggered the gameplay achievement.
Not sure if it’s of any help, I managed to complete this one in the dumpster ranks of wild with a priest deck. Emperor Thaurissan and some other effects to reduce the cost of Ozumat / Shadow Word: Death. While healing and reducing attack power to encourage the opponent to build a board. I lucked out and got it on the first game.
10’th task of Jaraxxus doesn’t work.
I have managed to complete the Killamari achievement now, but by killing 6 minions at once.
For some reason, completing the second step seems to register for both stages of the achievement, but the first step doesn’t register on its own.
I played against a rogue and when they played contraband stash, it replayed every card from another class they had played, which at that point it was 8 cards, so it was like they used Tess. Can you please check it and tell me it was a one time bug and that the game doesn’t have broken cards again
In the Azshara bounty, sometimes Azshara (boss) abilities doesn’t freeze when it has to. The bug exists since the release of the patch but I don’t see it listed here.