22.4 Patch Notes

Dear Blizzard team!

Soon the winter will end and the warm sunny rays will replace the cold wind and snow… :sun_with_face:

The most popular and funny spring celebration in “World of Wacraft” and “Hearthstone” is the Noblegarden… I really want to see it like the biggest seasonal event, because so many interesting, enchanting and faery things we can do!!! :four_leaf_clover:

  1. Create new cosmetic skins for Traditional Hearthstone heroes and for Battlegrounds heroes in Noblegarden style to feel the spring atmosphere in the game!!! :herb:
  2. Ask a Bartender Bob to return in the game with a funny basket for collecting multicolored eggs!!! :hatching_chick:
  3. Or add a new Dr. Boom cosmetic skin in Noblegarden style like it was at Winter Veil (for example: Dr. Boom with multicolored Egg-Bombs)… :boom:
  4. Create a funny Battleground board with hidden colorful eggs!!! :rice_scene:

Here I posted two articles from last years of this amazing spring celebration! :+1:

Dear and respected Blizzard team!!! Wish You a good luck in further work and new creative ideas!!! :milky_way:

There will now be a confirmation prompt when you attempt to concede a game before you would get quest progress for that game (like “Play 3 Games” Quests and the Alterac Valley Honor Quests). We have also loosened the requirements on counting those types of Quests.

Like this fix. Making people drag out games to some unpublished arbitrary length just encourages people to start games and then go afk. I like the warning so people know they need to wait another turn before conceding. It’s still stupid, but this helps. Loosening the criteria is also good, but they really ought to publish what the criteria is.

Runed Mithril Rod will now consistently discount the next card drawn after any Cast When Drawn card that activates Rod’s effect, instead of the Cast When Drawn card itself.

This is also a nice fix. Might make Rod a little more playable after two nerfs. But will that next drawn card also advance the counter toward the next discount?

I’d still like to see something done for mobile users being unable to see their opponent’s class during the mulligan. They need to either move that stupid “Opponent is Choosing” banner or consistently display the class in the lower left corner with the opponent’s name.

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Dear Blizzard team!

I want to offer You some ideas for spring events in Noblegarden style: :four_leaf_clover:

  1. For Battlegounds: :star2:
    1.1. Bartender - Dr. Boom with multicolored Egg-Bombs…
    1.2. “Egg Mania” bundle for eight new Battlegrounds hero skins for:
  • Guff Careful” - Guff Runetotem with Mulgore tallstirder…
  • Dinolover Brann” - Dinotamer Brann with baby dino and eggs…
  • Incubate Galewing” - Galewing with baby gryphons and eggs…
  • Millificent Mechanostorm” - Millificent Manastorm with mechano-eggs and baby robosaur…
  • Mr. Egglesworth” - Mr. Biggleswoth with chicks…
  • Sir Finley Egglton” - Sir Finley Mrrgglton with murloc colorful shells…
  • Tortollans Master Nguyen” - Master Nguyen with baby tortollans and eggs…
  • Blossom Greybough” - Greybough with birds, eggs and ribbons at his branches…
  1. For Traditional Hearthstone: :rice_scene:
    2.1. “Egg Hunters” bundle for five heroes for:
  • Rabbit Lord Rexxar” (hunter) with white and pink rabbits…
  • Egg Hunter Illidan” (demon hunter) with basket full of colorful eggs…
  • Guff Mazzranache” (druid) with Mulgore rare beast tallstrider Mazzranache…
  • Fluffy Valeera” (rogue) with funny rabbit ears…
  • Snake Lady Lazul” (priest) with small snakes and eggs…
    2.2. “Spring Blossom” bundle for other five heroes for:
  • Willow Jaina” (mage) with willow branches…
  • Blossom Rokara” (warrior) with flower wreath…
  • Yellow Uther” (paladin) in chicken costume…
  • Morgl the Murloc Overlord” (shaman) with baby murloc shells…
  • Nemsy Incubative” (warlock) with small cute chicks…
  1. For Mercenaries: :stars:
  • Mazzranache (Rare Fighter / Beast)
  • Rezan (Epic Fighter / Beast)
  • Oondasta (Legendary Fighter / Beast)
  • Horridon (Legendary Protector / Beast)

Dear and respected Blizzard team!!! Wish You a good luck in further work and new creative ideas!!! :trophy: :+1: :sun_with_face:

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You have never have any idea why ANYTHING Blizzard does wrong should be an issue for players. I really wish I could block you from replying to my posts. You never have anything of value to add.


The Infinite Arcane nerf will make mages useless. Unless you have the legendary quest.
Thanks Activision, but I’m not buying!

Wasn’t replying to you buddy, take a look at my post again. I accidently replied to you due to browser glitch then deleted that post. This reply was for B0reas.

To guarantee any kind of consistency on that, you basically need to purchase everything else and keep freezing those 2, which means you spend a lot of gold for just a triple, possibly even to buy minions you dont need or want in first place. And other than that, not much else. Sure, a golden Nomie or brann could win you the game, but are you willing to eat the potential tempo loss for that? If you are reaching tier 5 early, chances are you want to make sure your board doesn’t fall behind, and having to purchase everything but 1 minion to try get a triple means you will most likely purchase stuff you dont want and thus waste gold on something that could be a bit “too little, too late”. There might be some niche im not aware of here, but it seems for the most part its pretty weak. Sindragosa’s buddy at least makes sure you get a minion you froze during the end turn so you either get a free gold or something you really want for your build.

Where is the Tombs of Terror bugfix?

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Unsure if Blizz every reads on here but Many ranked / normal mode players would love to have these finisher animations and definitely the board skins. Why is this not available outside battlegrounds is beyond me, thought Blizzard would want to make the most profit possible but all the cool stuff is locked behind battlegrounds

One can only hope. It cant be any harder to just put it to normal modes surely.

“Не забывайте: хотя битва за Альтеракскую долину завершилась, вы еще успеете выполнить цепочку заданий до конца этого дополнения.” - до конца этого дополнения - это когда? Когда выйдет мини-набор, или когда следующее дополнение выйдет? Непонятно.

The games are already so fast that you’d often lose by turn 5 anyway.
Now you need to wait as long as turn 7 to… do nothing for a turn.

Combo and aggro decks are too fast and prevalent - welp, guess we gotta nerf the value/control card!

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Наверное имеется ввиду что до 1го марта.

They should’ve just made Infinite Arcana only able to be active once. Something like “can’t be copied” or something. This change just unnecessarily kills it for decks that didn’t copy it.

The Senior Treasures of Tombs of Terror are still not fixed after this update. Really?


Just played as Onyxia and can confirm she is almost completely useless, her hero power being an avenge 4 makes it so weak it’s worse then playing the cat, her buddy is pretty strong if you can get it up and running early, and it’s funny how it also get’s buffed from playing the 1 star “Red Whelp”… but her hero power spawning dragons makes it worthless for deathrattle/beast builds, but if you go drake build then you’ll at most get 2 whelps per battle round netting you at most 10 damage with Pyrospawn on the board (also only one is spawned even with a Khadgar, which is another minus as that would have at least made it fun)

Rokara can be really strong on her own with that hero power, but her buddy is really weak sauce, borderline a waste of space, it just doesn’t get the damage needed for it to be a threat unless you invest a lot of gold into buffing it, it would be another thing if it GAVE hp to the thing that killed stuff, but no, by the time you get it it’s too weak to kill anything, so usually it stays at 5-10 damage and can’t get anymore cause everything has 30+ hp.

Varden is literally just bad, you have to get lucky or his hero power is worthless, it’s literally another RNG check… like we needed more of those in a gamemode that’s one big RNG check

Edit: just scored a 1st place on all 3
Onyxia - I literally sold her buddy, didn’t even wait for triple, got lucky twice with her whelp removing a divine shield but I would have won regardless with my elemental build.
Rokara - finally got her with mech in the pool and won purely with the power of infinitely scaling divine shields, she’s probably the strongest Pupbot user.
Varden - just got lucky with a triple Brann Murloc build, was losing hard up until that point, honostly I feel disgusted having to resort to poisen Murlocs

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Also can we please get a skip function or something for battlegrounds?
I’m literally getting my buying fase skipped because Leapfrogger + double/triple deathrattles are a thing

Also need some kind of fix for hero choice. The same four keep showing up, and some never show up in rotation, even the new ones.

During the diablow event, I never had him show up in my options. Not once. I get you want us to keep playing to pad your metrics, but this is scummy, even for this company.

And oh joy, the “new cards” thing is happening again! You guys owe me several thousand cards at this point, probably approaching the over ten thousand mark.

Речь про временное событие в Наемниках:

“Чтобы подготовиться к этому событию, выполните все поручения в Альтеракской долине и не забудьте усилить своих зверей и драконов — они будут незаменимы для выполнения некоторых из задач.”

“Поручения «Вандар Грозовая Вершина» и «Казакус» будут добавлены после окончания события Чи-Цзи. Все остальные поручения станут доступны 15 февраля с выходом обновления.”

Вопрос. Как выполнить все поручения, если одно из них пройти поручения «Вандар Грозовая Вершина» и полагаю дальше будет «Казакус»?

Oh look someone who cries about harassment is harassing yet again. How shocking.