So, nothing changed to force Lich Baz’hial and Queen Wagtoggle out of staying tier 1 for the entire game?
Useless changes. The RNG system in this game is just garbage. Sometimes when you are lucky, you don’t even need to use your brain to win. Sometimes you start preparing gold cards since level 3 and never get any card you want in your build.
I understand this is a random game, but we use to be able to at least compete for a chance to win if you have a bad start. But now, you know your fate by 4-5 rounds.
Because instead of changing it in a way that prevents you to get all amalgams when you have a tribe that isn’t in the pool (too hard, too much work), they just removed it because who cares of proper balance
После обновления У Иллидана не правильно работает золотой бадди. В описании написано, два ваших первых атаковавших существа получают “Неуязвимость во время атаки” на одну атаку, а при атаке второе существо после удара умирает.
After the update, Illidan’s golden buddy does not work correctly. The description says that your first two attacking creatures gain “Invulnerability during attack” for one attack, and when attacked, the second creature dies after being hit.
Больше недели дуели не пашут, а они херню всякую обновляют, дыбилы