22.2.2 Patch Notes

So two months into the expansion and they still havent fixed the Paladin Hero Achievement.
But instead they released the Buddies in BG’s which is a total failure in a balance standpoint.
And some card interactions in “normal” hearthstone gets broken instead with the latest big patch.
Like COME ON, fix your dam game code for real, its really getting worse and worse for every patch. And the latest nerfs did nothing in standard, it just made it so the meta is back to the same crap as before Roguestone.


Also, Millificent’s “nerf” will have such a small impact and needs to be much more severe. She’s only good when she’s stacking that deathrattle, so having the bomb do 30 free damage instead of 40 free damage (up to three times, and at a minimum) is nothing.

Can’t get that work around to work on my IPhone and iPad either. Can this get more priority? I’ve really been getting into Duels and this completely locks me out of a big reason to log in and play. I have to assume this is affecting more and more accounts every day. Is the solution to just wait until it becomes enough of a problem that it has to be addressed? You’re just pouring money down the drain by players not being able to access the most played non free game mode …….


No duels bug fix? I’ve not been able to play for a week now.

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Perfecto los nerfs pero…y el mini set?

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Any idea when “You Are Not Worthy” will be fixed? I can’t imagine it’s so hard to fix, if it is, just mark it completed for everyone.

Certain Heroes buddies with a minion typing that didn’t exist in the game caused it so that people can roll 6 Amalgadons if they obtain Archdruid Hamuul from a triple on turn 5, making them unbelievably overpowered late game.

Removing this will scale back certain insane late game comps and reduce the ridiculous amount of poison current present almost required to win games at the moment.


thats a good reason, but why not just remove the tribes from all buddies?

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Why not change its name to Hearthchess?


27 “free” damage instead of 40.

I Guess Blizzard unofficially allowed Auto-Play
There are so many Auto-Play Warriors in Game, but they are still playing well.
I always submit the evidence about Auto-Played odd Warrior, they are still too many. Plz Ban all of them and make some easy ways to catch them

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No fix for the duel win achievements?

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How bout those multiple favorite toggles for hero skins that were datamined last month? Can we get random portraits?

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Why “guardian light” is still in neutral pool? Only priests and paladins have holy spells, how I should use this perk on mage or other 8 heroes? They haven’t any holy spells!

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The Training Grounds and Tombs of Terror Signature cards are still bugged.

agreed this is going on for a while now and many are effected by it. not sure why its not being addressed being its a big part of the game and they even put a seasonal quest line right through it thats unable to be completed without it

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Having certain heroes in battlegrounds that rely on their buddy as a win condition are now at an even worse spot due to most of the buddies being pushed up a tavern tier higher. If your hero’s buddy is dependent for the win condition and you increased by a tavern tier (to tavern tier 4), the game is most likely over in less than 5 turns. Impossible to scale that win condition card (for example Lich (0 mana deal two damage, gain a coin) congrats the buddy will now be a 10/10 when the game ends now.)

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I hit warlod and the Honor system vanish and I’m now consider a scout if I refer to my title while I play rank and when I win it say I got Honor point as a field marshal.

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El parche 22.2.2 no esta disponible para android, algun problema?

Maybe because of the fact that Hamuul, if you have a minion tribe that isn’t suppose to be available in a lobby (due to some buddies, ex. Eudora’s pirate buddy), Hamuul will actually give you nothing but Amalgadons, for some reason…