21.0 Patch Notes

New Set releases today!!!..

New daily Quest is basically: Play cards from new set
2 New Weekly Quests are basically: Play cards from new set (1 needing Legendary card)

BUT… no new set has been released yet LMFAO

Polite Clapping

So I got quests I can’t complete right now… and another quest I’m not even guaranteed to have a chance to complete unless I get lucky with my pack openings… which I can’t buy or open yet even tho it’s suppose to be released TODAY!!!

Thanks Blizzard

Why did Blizzard take away my bonuses ahead of time on the BG? Why doesn’t the store sell new ones?

ive had to buy perks in battlegrounds 3 times can some let me know if it suppose to b like that or If I’m getting robbed for all my gold thanks

Так а когда примерно мининабор новый будет?

In the german client “refund” or the translation “Rückerstattung” does not work.