2021 Feb Communication Box (not for discussion)

I creating a centralized thread for any communication type of info, e.g. tweets, short replies on other platforms, etc.

It’s for the benefit for those interested, and also like a central tracking of such info.

Do create a separate thread if anyone is interested in discussing on any of the topics, so that this thread can remain clutter free.

Ref: 2021 Jan Communication Box (not for discussion)

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Is there actually enough volume to justify this?


I did ponder over such question before. I believe the positives out-weight the negatives. Many a time, I have been challenged/questioned. (I also received good receptions) I really wonder if such post is less ‘justified’ than any other posts you seen on current forum.

I sincerely wish to contribute to drive this forum in a more positive direction. However, If the community(collectively) deem such posts as non beneficial, I will cease.

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If you want, we can add some of your zingers in the mix.

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Kudos to you for your (futile) effort to keep the plebs informed, but Mand is probably right.

Not tryin to discourage your effort or anything, just sayin.

I do not seek anything in return. I am also doing the minimum. The 2nd post shows that someone buys into my idea, and is willing to contribute likewise.

If this can set a start to a better community, why not?
Unless it causes grief to another poster or disrupt the flow of the forum, then it is a reason to stop.

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The rest of the posts tend to have their own content. Meta-posting, by definition, doesn’t - so the value of the aggregation needs to be high to end up not being mere spam.

If so, do flag this thread to the attention of the Mod for removal. Thereafter, I will also kindly adhere and stop future postings of such.

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I think this is super helpful information for people trying to decide whether or not to open their Classic packs before rotation.


Hearthstone Q&A – February 20, 12 p.m.–12:35 p.m. PST on the Hearthstone channel


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I still find this relatively disturbing;
“Iksar thinks that deckbuilding shouldn’t be a core part of the Hearthstone experience.”

But it kinda explains why they always let streamers refine the decks before expansion hits and expansions always feel so stale.
I get not alot likes experimention but cmon, It is the core of a card game like this.

*edit never mind, just noticed the No discussion part, sorry about that.

No need to be sorry. Not strictly ‘no’ but it helps to reduce ‘clutter’ for readers.
I do disagree with some points in his views, but too lazy to comment anymore.

i thought it explained BG the random deck brawls and the change to the autocomplete deck builder because its able to give you meta decks

Refer here for discussion thread: